Gastronomic Glossary, Part II


Gastronomic Glossary Part II

Gastronomic Glossary, Part II

After clarifying exactly what the flower veil miracle consists of in the Jerez setting or putting the dots on the i's in the ring of the Micuit VS Pate ; It's time to continue our route through this Vademecum of the Glutton™ , and we start this second part with one of the great conflicts in the history of mankind: paella. Jamie Oliver he has already learned (the hard way) how we spend it on bull skin — You don't play with paella, tete.


La Paella: with the Church we have run into. I think the Valencians they have (we) made it clear with all our bad fucks what happens when you move a hair of the more orthodox recipe (beans, tomato, green beans, chicken, rabbit, salt, oil, rice, water and saffron) and the little blond from Essex came up with the brilliant idea of ​​planting a paella recipe on his Twitter... with chorizo! !. Let's run a thick veil and talk about more rice dishes: for example our beloved arròs a banda (with whitebait fish broth) or the rice of the " sir t”, with peeled shellfish.

You have to differentiate a banda from a senyoret or garrofón rice

Rice yes; rice not


Curious, very curious the contest organized by the magazine kitchen With the collaboration of the Catalonia European Gastronomy Region (CREG) and the sponsorship of Estrella Damm: What are the favorite dishes of the Catalans? And more than surprising the result: the winner was the 'escudella i meat d'olla', a dish of humble origins, a broth that, around the 14th century, was a daily meal in Catalonia. We talk about him precisely in our 51 best dishes from Spain . L´Escudella de Via Veneto, there is nothing.


The 'escudella i carn d'olla', traditional, humble, PERFECT


I sensed that after that question "what are the favorite dishes of the Catalans?" The answer was going to be unanimous: Pa Amb Tomàquet . The dish icon Ferran Adria and so many tourists (and charnegos) who mercilessly kick the Passeig de Gracia , up and down like a Japanese army (but with selfie sticks instead of Kalashnikovs). It would also be my favorite when asked the same question —and it is that the Pa Amb Tomàquet It represents like no other dish that of the Mediterranean diet: bread, oil, tomato and garlic . Our gastronomic "less is more" at the altar of the perfect dishes. Nothing is left over. Nothing is missing. Amen.

Pa Amb Tomàquet

Bread, oil, tomato and garlic


Precisely now (with this cold and this hunger for spoons, mohair blankets and sad Spotify lists) the season of winter 'calçotadas' begins in the Alt Camp region in Tarragona, which did not take long to spread to the rest of Catalonia . The 'socks' , that wonderful folkloric-gastronomic celebration that the rest of the country looks at between fascination and arcade (I say it with affection, that I love) and that is… how can you eat them like that? It is wonderful . A couple of facts for the uninitiated: Calçots are not leeks, but spring onions . And he pulls with a bib. This last point is inalienable, **dear Vogue readers**.

a calçotada

a calçotada


Winter, too, is pout time . Fancy it, right? And it is time to return to game dishes, mushrooms and truffles, old wines (ports, Bordeaux or Amontillados) and to return to the great houses of traditional cuisine: ** Arce de Iñaki Camba (in Madrid) , Sergi de Meià in l'Eixample or Zuberoa in Oiartzun**. And also to be clear about the difference between small game: hare, partridge, pheasant, duck or woodcock (the most precious). Or the big game: deer, roe deer or wild boar . The first, fried or roasted; the second rather in stews… and what a smell to approach these pots, right?




Nothing is missing for the grill with ** Christmas ** and supermarkets up to the flag of "mantecaos". It is time to return to our essential Ode to Polvorón (with our favourites) and remember the big question: Polvorón or Mantecado? mantecados are all —that sweet made with flour, lard and sugar whose origin dates back to Andalusia (there is a debate between Antequera and Estepa) from the 16th century, during the reign of King Felipe II and thanks to a surplus of both wheat and lard. We call Polvorón a variant of the ice cream , a definitive variant: the almond . A more or less common change is also the shape, in the case of the more rectangular ice cream; more oval the Polvorón.

What is actually a powder

What is, actually, a powder?


What a mess we have with the invertebrates of the sea. To make it easy—crustaceans have antennae: lobsters, barnacles, prawns, small crabs or prawns. Molluscs can be shell (oyster, clam, mussel or razor) or cephalopods such as octopus and cuttlefish.

Anyway, today we are Christmas. Although I have to say something, very clear and a little frizzy (let me go I tell you!), what the heck is "seafood at Christmas", ice cream in summer or shortbread on New Year's Eve? Let's leave provincialism once and for all in the drawer of things that don't matter and embrace the only commandment of my religion: what you like is eaten all year round. Whenever you can and they let you. Ball point.

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Crustacean shellfish or mollusk?

Seafood, crustacean or mollusk?

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