The new way to lick the summer


Wasabi apple and plankton digestive

Apple, wasabi and plankton digestive

Mandarin sorbet with orange segments, mandarin sauce and alquequenje; baked apple ice cream with seasonal fruits; Strawberry ice cream with cloud of lychee and strawberry… The ice cream trend is marked this summer by Jordi Roca , the youngest of the Roca brothers ( Cellar de Can Roca , three Michelin stars and second best restaurant in the world according to The World's 50 Best Restaurants ).

What began as a proposal for the dessert menu at Celler de Can Roca became this year one of the most modern and revolutionary ice cream parlors of this century . Name? Rocambolesc, located in the center of Girona, on Santa Clara street.

If Marco Polo raised his head, What would he say about this new way to lick the summer ? Like all good things the secret formula of ice cream was introduced by the traveler in Europe , and at first only the kings, of course, could enjoy this delicacy. From the high ranks to the enjoyment of the people.

The ice cream formula has changed a lot although, how things are, what was a frozen milk is today again in one way or another, a fashion: they take the yogurt ice creams . who has traveled to Italy , specifically to the mecca of ice cream, Sicily , you will know that there is a before and after in the craftsmanship of seasonal fruits, of natural creams, of pasteurized creams rolled into balls and served in a glass to eat with a spoon.

Natural fruit tartare toasted rum granita and grape reduction

Natural fruit tartar, toasted rum granita and grape reduction

Sicilian fashion spreads across the five continents. Eating frozen yogurt is a fashion, a lifestyle, a way of coping with pleasure . In Spain, some of the ice cream parlors that have begun to serve yogurt ice creams are Llao Llao, Oh My good or Cherry pop on Calle Postas de Madrid , next to the ** Plaza Mayor **.

But the originality the design and daring of an ice cream sets the trend . Some classics continue to champion the mecca of ice cream in Spain, such as the Verdú Ice Cream Shop-Turronería (at Calle Cimadevilla 7, Oviedo) with artisanal ice cream and a whipped cream that has no rival . Others triumph for their originality and daring, like that bean ice cream elaborated by José Noval and his sister Úrsula in ice cream parlor iceland from Gijón: homemade beans, whipped and mixed with milk and sugar… or their cider ice cream or that of Cabrales cheese Now this is patriotism!

Delicious is the meringue milk ice cream or the cheese with raspberry The Valencian of Barcelona (Aribau, 16 bis) or the mythical Uncle Che , also in Barcelona, ​​with its long queues of people eager to try not only horchata and fartons, but also its artisanal fruit ice creams.

In sevilla , the trend marks freeze you (ice cream parlor and art room), a place with vintage decoration that captivates with frozen formulas such as dulce de leche and cinnamon (Germany Avenue, 5) . Although to experiment, nothing like sitting at the table of one of the best restaurants in Cádiz, in the port, and finishing the menu of chef Ángel León, from the Aponiente restaurant (Puerto Escondido, 6) with an apple, wasabi, marine plankton digestif and fennel.

Fun ice creams such as sesame, mojito or ginger from ** Fuku ** (Marqués de Villamejor, 8. Semiesquina Serrano 51. Madrid) Or the cheesecake with ice cream from Osos Polares or Baileys from lava ( Jorge Juan, 29, Madrid). What do you think of a red bean ice cream? It is located in Madrid, at ** Sushiwakka ** (Infanta Mercedes, 62).

But the innovations do not end there: the olive oil ice creams that Dani García makes in his restaurant ** Calima ** or any of those ingenious ice creams that Paco Roncero prepares to eat alone or accompany a dish, like the one in mayonnaise, coffee or chocolate ice cream, among others.

Definitively, these reflections of such authentic flavors (and even autochthonous) demonstrate the good time that ice cream is going through in our country.

Dark chocolate ice cream and roasted strawberry soup

Dark chocolate ice cream and roasted strawberry soup

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