How to arouse envy of your hotel on Instagram


The Freehand of Miami passed by Instagram

The Freehand of Miami passed by Instagram

1. WAIT Do not take the photo as soon as you enter. We understand the emotion of opening the door and finding a carpeted suite, a free-standing bathtub with feline paws; or to look out the window and see, from afar, the Empire State. But you don't want a relaxed and cool photo, you want an admirable photo ; you want a photo that makes others feel like they're in the wrong place. Take your time, explore, measure your resources. And ask for the Wi-Fi password as soon as possible, if not, no photo or anything.


Normally, unless you're a ghost, if you take a picture in front of the bathroom mirror, you'll appear in that mirror. It is a physical law. There are people like Coppola who resolve with ease that of filming a mirror and that the camera is not seen, but you, ordinary mortal, will come out . Another thing is that you want to go out, but here we understand that the hotel is more important than you. Even if it's a little bit. Therefore, be careful with mirrors and with those gimmicky photos in which the room appears multiplied. Perhaps, in the background, you appear with winked eyes and on your knees.


Hotel rooms are not photogenic . It is a sad truth. Nor those of the new Amantokyo. Well, those are the same. Some look better than others, due to dimensions or interior design, but few fully resolve a good amateur photo. You just have to see the “Traveller Photos” section of the useful Tripadvisor, that great well of sadness. Better to focus on stationery, lamps, Jacobsen's (original) chair, flower arrangements, a cocktail cabinet, or a Do Not Disturb sign. The details are there to be valued and, Is there anything that values ​​them more than placing them on Instagram?


If you want to take photos in the bar or restaurant, make sure that no one else comes out. You don't want anyone to call your attention , or uncover a clandestine romance or a new case of corruption. Again, back to rule 3: you're better off taking a picture of the teapot than standing up and pretending to have a pan that everyone will find intrusive. And that, in addition, it was going to come out ugly.


There are photos that you are going to take, whatever we say. One is breakfast, either in buffet format or if they bring it to us in your cart; another is the one in the bathtub and we are more or less inside; a great classic is the unmade bed, but unmade in a clean, orchestrated, elegantly sexy way. We can't leave without taking a picture of the view from the window or, even better, of the sunrise with its caption: “Sunrise in Hong Kong: what a dream”. Another essential is the open laptop simulating a portable office. And nobody leaves a hotel with a swimming pool without a photo of their backs looking, with enormous melancholy, at the horizon. We all do them, nothing happens. There are much worse things, like stealing what we shouldn't. Let's do them, let's throw ourselves into the mud.


The last point is very delicate and the one that forces us to be more firm. TV should never appear in a photo. When they review the Constitution they should add that article.

Follow @anabelvazquez

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