The key to your suite... and the key to your luxury car


The key to your suite... and the key to your luxury car

The key to your suite... and the key to your luxury car

One of the Premium services offered by the most exclusive hotels in the world is the loan of high-end vehicles so that guests can move comfortably while maintaining their status.

Luxury hotels have long since ceased to be just isolated lodgings with many amenities close at hand but only available on the premises of the establishments.

That concept of a glass case has been left behind and currently the most select hotels in the world offer a complete experience in the destination city that goes far beyond its facilities: private visits to museums, agreements with exclusive stores, reservations at outstanding restaurants with inaccessible waiting lists, personal shoppers, trainers... are just some examples of what the client can request and that these hotels offer among their services.

One of the most demanded is the loan of high-end vehicles to be able to get to know the environment behind the wheel of a Ferrari, a Bentley or a Maserati, to name a few brands.

From Beverly Hills to Shanghai passing through Baden Baden, we review in this gallery the main hotel establishments in the world that have this peculiar amenity and the models available in each of them.

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