The map of the most curious town names in Spain


The map of the most curious town names in Spain

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We warn you, this map reflects a selection carried out in a completely subjective and personal way in pursuit of originality. “I was looking for curious names. In addition to those that sound funny phonetically, such as Guarromán or Villapene, there are also I have investigated to find municipalities that hide something special” David Justo explains to

Hence, among the selection we find curiosities such as, for example, the town with the shortest name, Ea, two characters that are visited in Vizcaya . Or why not? the longest, Villarcayo de Merindad of Old Castile , whose 37 characters are located in Burgos.

The 200 selected names are 200 samples of "the great cultural variety that exists in Spain" and reflect “the passage of other civilizations through it” David reflects.

“From the Romans to the Arabs, the influences of third cultures have been very important when making the names of these municipalities” . An example? That of Cabezón de la Sal. “The toponymy of this town comes from Roman times. At that time, the word 'cabezón' was used as a measure for the salt trade. Given that there were important mines for this product in this region, the town acquired this name”, writes David in his article for Cadena Ser.

To trace the origins of the selected names, the journalist has resorted to the web pages of each municipality , to studies on the toponymy of Spanish municipalities and to different forums.

After immersing himself in the world of rural toponymy, David now has his favourites: Queen's Meadow , a neighborhood of Cádiz; Y The Towers of Gossips , in Murcia. You can choose yours by consulting the map below.


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