Nomad Barber, what's a barber like you doing working in a place like this?


Cutting hair in Northern Ireland

Cutting hair in Northern Ireland

It all started in 2013 when this barber decided to take a break before opening his own barbershop in the London neighborhood of Shoreditch . what better than travel, get to know, clear your mind, see the world and interact with its inhabitants ? But then, as it counts Michael Gutierrez In an interview for CNN, a photographer friend showed him his work with a hairdresser who made cuts in magical places. And Gutiérrez decided to do it in a big way, and tell about it on his own YouTube channel.

Now cut hair in Mediterranean countries

Now cut hair in Mediterranean countries

It started with Greece, Turkey, Asia and the Middle East. Floors Singapore, Nepal, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Dubai (where they say the most conceited men in the world meet) ... And so, in the first stage of it he visited 21 countries where he cut hair in unimaginable places (as he points out in the interview granted to CNN, one of his favorite places where he fixed a beard was under a waterfall in Bulgaria ) . Although if he has to choose a "crazy" destination, he stays with Kurdistan, in the north of Iran: "We were about 20 minutes from the border and, to get there, we had to go through about 12 controls," he tells CNN.

Now that he has opened his second barbershop in Berlin, he wants to direct his footsteps to Japan, Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, the Philippines... but on Facebook he has announced that from June this year to June 2017 he intends to walk around the Mediterranean : Spain, Portugal, France... does he get a haircut on a cliff on the Costa da Morte?

Nomad Barber

Cutting hair across the seas

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