The map to live with good weather all year round


good weather map

Around the world between 21 and 24 degrees of temperature

You hate the cold. That's it, you already said it.

Walking down the street with a thousand layers that you have to take off when entering the subway, catch a cold in October and not let it go until spring –goodbye cold, hello allergy–, that at six in the evening it is night and that your hallmark is a nose in the purest Rudolf style.

How many times have you dreamed of changing the hemisphere when the temperatures begin to drop? Can you imagine living all year round with a perfect climate – in which it is not a bit cold but not suffocatingly hot either? And do it while you go around the world?

Thanks to this map produced by, living 365 days a year with good weather is possible: you just have to follow the outlined itinerary. Can you come with us?


What if you could travel the world for a year in perfect weather? That is the question – not crazy at all – that asked themselves, and “our design team got down to work,” they tell

good weather map

365 days traveling and enjoying the good weather, are you coming?

Their research led them to the conclusion that the ideal temperature for the majority of the population was between 21 and 24°C. Thus, they made a map that illustrates an itinerary around the world in which the temperature is at all times in that range.

“The trip would last 52 weeks. There are a total of 45 countries covered and 52 cities , with less than two days of travel between each location”, they tell us from Regarding the sources used to prepare the map, "We use information from Accuweather, NOAA and Google Maps," they continue to explain to

The journey begins!


The adventure begins on January 1 in Bariloche (Argentina), a city surrounded by dreamlike landscapes where we will spend the first week of the year with a pleasant 22 degrees Celsius

On January 8th we will head to the city of Valparaiso (Chile) , following the coastline or taking a short flight to this land to which Neruda himself dedicated one of his works: Ode to Valparaiso.

A week later it will be the turn of ** Arequipa (Peru) **, an open-air museum full of arches, churches, cathedrals and colonial buildings, who sleeps in the shadow of a volcano.

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Our adventure begins on January 1 in Bariloche (Argentina)

On January 22 we will continue ascending through Latin America and we will stop in Guatape (Colombia), the most colorful town in the world, and then head to Panajachel (Guatemala) , where to contemplate the immense Lake Atitlan.

The good weather will continue to accompany us on February 5 in La Paz (Mexico) , a city in southern Baja California where you can relax on the beach at 24 degrees while watching the occasional whale in the distance.

Without leaving Mexico, on February 12 we arrived at Monterey to lose ourselves in its Museum of Contemporary Art, its Paseo Santa Lucía and lie down on the lawn of the Fundidora Park.


On February 19 we crossed the pond to ** Gran Canaria ** to take a dip in the beach of The pits and walk around Maspalomas at 21 °C

One of our favorite stops on this trip arrives: ** Marrakech (Morocco) .** And after spending a week eating cous cous, haggling in the souk and seeing sunset in Jemma el Fna square, we will head towards Tozeur (Tunisia) Do you take a trip to the Star Wars locations on nearby Tatooine?

And before we start to get excited, we stop by ** Cairo (Egypt) **, which in 2020 plans to open the largest archeology museum in the world.

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The Canary Islands cannot be missing from our trip in search of good weather


The next stop on our mild itinerary is **Israel**, where we will spend two weeks in an average temperature of 23 ° c.

The first, in its capital, Tel Aviv ** by March 26 jump to ** Haifa , a city located on the top of Mount Carmel and bathed by the sea, which promises to become one of the most fashionable destinations in 2020.

Next stop? Baalbek, in Lebanon , where we will land on April 2 to continue enjoying the weather while we discover the temples of Jupiter and Bacchus.

On April 9 we will jump to Turkey, specifically to **Antalya, the goal of the Lycian Route** –one of the favorites of hikers from all over the world– and a paradise for lovers of Roman ruins.

**EUROPE (WEEKS 16-26) **

We return to our continent making a first stop in **Larnaca, a port city on the southern coast of Cyprus** where East and West go hand in hand in a most enriching crossroads of cultures and civilizations.

Spring is about to arrive, next destination? The 21°C of ** Chania , on the Greek island of Crete, ** a city that at some point in its history belonged to the old Republic of Venice , which we see reflected in its architecture.

From island to island and I shoot because it's my turn: We finished the month of April in ** Catania, the capital of Sicily **, and before heading to Naples, who does a little climb to the Etna volcano ?

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After visiting Israel and Lebanon we will depart for Turkey

**We ascend the Italian boot to Naples** to eat a delicious pizza and practice some dolce far niente.

On May 14 we cross the Adriatic to ** Split, the Croatian city that has it all: ** history, culture, sea, nightlife and the Game of Thrones museum!

We changed seas, this time to the Mediterranean and disembarked in the city of Rabat (Malta), where the mixture of culture makes its appearance again with a cocktail of Arab and Latin vestiges.

May 28: ** Barcelona! ** Whether it's your first or your umpteenth time, Barcelona is always a good idea, especially at an average temperature of 21 degrees!

We will start the month of June flying to Lisbon and eating some delicious Pastéis de Belem to then go up to the Santa Lucía viewpoint or take a boat trip on the Tagus.

We know that you would stay to live in the Portuguese capital but our journey continues: we go for wines to Bordeaux and from there we jump to Geneva to stuff ourselves with chocolate. Do not be entertained, this continues!

June 25, we appear in ** Berlin ** to visit, once again if you haven't already, the island of Museums and mingle with the locals at a techno venue –why not?–.

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From Cyprus to Germany via Greece, Italy, Croatia, Malta, Spain, Portugal, France and Switzerland

**AFRICA (WEEKS 27-32) **

Our month of July will start in Nairobi, because we want to see for ourselves that the capital of Kenya deserves more than just a logistics stop between safaris.

A week later we will travel to ** Monkey Bay (Malawi) ** and we will go through Cape Maclear, a coastal town with a lot of charisma.

A bus and a plane later, it will be 23 degrees in **Siavonga (Zambia)**. From there we will jump to Hwange, Zimbabwe , where we will visit its impressive National Park before leaving for the South African city of Pretoria and be mesmerized by the flowering of the Jacaranda trees.

Our month of August ends in paradise, whose name in this case is Baie du Tombeau, Mauritius Island.

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Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Mauritius: our stops in Africa

**ASIA (WEEKS 33-40) **

We changed continents and landed in Asia. First stop? ** Darjeeling , in India **, a melting pot with views of the third highest peak in the world, Kanchenjunga, from which ** we will drive to Paro, in Bhutan **.

Further north still, we will end the month of August in the Siberian city of Ulan-Ude (Russia) and **we will start September in the capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar**.

No, one of our favorite countries will not be missing on this road: ** Japan **. There we will visit the city of Sapporo , known for its nearby hot springs.

On September 15th we will cross the East Sea and take a train to **Sokcho in South Korea** and explore Seoraksan National Park in 23 degrees.

Another quick flight takes us to ** Beijing ** to tour the great wall of china before arriving at our final Asian stop: **Tokyo**.

Autumn is on our heels, but we are faster.

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In Asia we can not stop going through Beijing and Tokyo

**AUSTRALIA (WEEKS 41-43) **

While in Spain they take out their coats, we point to the antipodes. The Australian city of adelaide It awaits us full of museums and art galleries to visit at 22 degrees.

Our next week will be spent in Perth then land on sydney and take the required photo with the opera in the background.


October is over, and we escape from the cold by crossing the Pacific until you reach the Napa Valley (California) and taste its famous wines.

**November will catch us at 23 degrees in Los Angeles **, strolling through Venice Beach or having a Whiskey Sour at Musso & Frank emulating Dicaprio.

From there we will drop by ** Las Vegas (Nevada) , we will enjoy live music in Austin (Texas) and we will fly to ** New Orleans (Louisiana) .

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Adelaide, Perth and Sydney: three cities and three weeks enjoying the Australian sun

The last month of the year we will be under the Florida sun, having fun as kids at Walt Disney World (Orlando) and exploring the Everglades National Park.

Our Willy Foog year is drawing to a close, but first, who's stopping by in **Bermuda**? There we will dive into the crystal clear waters of Mount Pleasant before reaching the end of the trip: Bahamas.

What better way to end the year than in one of the paradisiacal beaches of the Bahamas? A flight to Freeport and we'll show up there. to eat our grapes at 24 degrees and return – only if you want – to reality.

If you have come this far, you will not have stopped wondering the modest price for which this trip would leave around the world in perfect weather.

From they tell us their estimate: “the trip would cost from 26,000 to 52,000 US dollars –between 23,700 and 47,500 euros–, depending on the style of travel; although of course, this can vary a lot”

There we leave the map. Ready for when winter begins to stalk.

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End the year in the Bahamas? Of course yes!

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