Madrid with Pride: what you can't miss this year's festivities


Madrid with pride

Madrid with pride

The Pride festivities have been articulated around seven scenarios . We go around all of them, review the best of programming , and we launch you any more suggestions , to make this edition unforgettable. Yes, we warn the best of these parties is in the streets , to get you a drink and feel Madrid more yours than ever. Although there is so much activity from time to time it is convenient to sit somewhere. Grab your pencil (or phone: let's be real) and take notes.


Small always lively and more and more beautiful, the Chueca neighborhood square It is the gay-friendly epicenter of the capital, its most emblematic point, and it could only be the place where the official kick-off of the festivities will take place: the proclamation of Pride will run this year by Cayetana Guillén Cuervo and Alejandro Amenábar . It will be on Wednesday 1 from 20 hours. Ah, an important fact: the stage will only be during the proclamation. The rest of the days the square will be very lively, but with other kinds of activities.

For whom it is in addition to the night party are interested in Chueca and how it has become one of the most important LGBT neighborhoods in the world , there are some interesting guided tours organized, Thursday and Friday, in Spanish and English, and various schedules. When hunger strikes, we can let ourselves be carried away by the **huge temptation of a hamburger at the nearby Home burger**, on Calle San Marcos, with 100% organic livestock (and bread!) and certified meat from the Sierra de Ávila , Y vegetarian options (yes, it is possible), in addition to interesting gourmet proposals (we are left with the capricious hamburger, with onion jam and brie cheese ) . Also very close, next to the square, the Mercado de San Antón offers us various possibilities to eat or cool off with an ice cream at any time of day: from eating sushi to regaining strength with a good snack before you give yourself to the street party. Or of course go up to your terrace to stop a bit and rest your feet. Those who after the party night wish rich and ecological breakfast , you can stop by La Magdalena de Proust , a beautiful Workshop and supermarket of bio products. We also like El Horno de Almudena , on Calle de las Infantas, 17, a place to have breakfast without tourists, with neighborhood prices for neighborhood people.

Chueca Square

The Plaza de Chueca, a place to give everything.


The square where the Ministry of Culture is located it is petite but flirtatious and increasingly daring. A stone's throw from Gran Vía and Barquillo street and its always appetizing venues, it is not surprising that it is another of the scenes of these parties. In addition to the concerts that will take place here, we are left with the Madrid Gay Men's Choir , the Wednesday, at 8:00 p.m. , with part of the repertoire of his show 'Qué Movida', which was on billboard on Gran Vía. On Thursday, a cabaret is announced, and on Friday it will surely be very lively 'The Pride's Queen' , the new contest that will search throughout the year at the queen of pride 2016 . On Saturday, starting at 8:30 p.m. there will be a DJ session, and on Sunday, starting at 7:30 p.m. we don't want to miss Factor Pride , the second edition of this talent contest.

A very good daytime stop can be offered by La Revoltosa and her terrace, or Sifón, her little brother and a sort of grocery store-cafeteria-terrace-showcase of products from Madrid; the refreshing ** Lucas's garden ,** a kind of orchard full of pots in a covered patio with about half a dozen stalls, and with a common denominator: that they be ecological ; La Candelita and her Latin airs ; or Casa Carolo, also with stool menu (11 euros) for those in a hurry.

Gay Pride Madrid 2015

The demonstration will cover the entire Paseo del Prado to Colón.


Is there a greater pleasure for a Madrilenian than stepping foot on Callao and Gran Vía in a great street party? In Callao there will be a stage from Wednesday to Sunday from 7:30 p.m. to sing to your heart's content that the rhythm does not stop with concerts and appealing plans such as, on Friday at 7:45 p.m., the flashmob of the movie 'Only Chemistry' , and at 9:30 p.m., the 8th gala of Mr Gay Pride Spain , where participants from all over Spain will perform four parades, including pass in a swimsuit and where the representative for the international contest Mr. Gay World will be chosen. And, call us old, but at 1 am it will be time Rick Astley!!! . You know, let's all chant: together foreeeveeeer ... It can be very big.

By the time of break, brunch, snack (or shopping), Callao Central is THE place. And if you want to get away a bit, the Ático de las Letras will give you a good perspective of the area, sprayed by fresh water.

Callao Square

The Plaza de Callao, 'proud'.


This year, the official Pride schedule returns to Maria Soledad Torres Acosta Square , better known as Plaza de la Luna, increasingly on fire, partly thanks to the rush from the neighboring Corredera Baja de San Pablo . Concerts every day from 8:00 p.m. and We are family festival hand in hand with Marta, darling! As a novelty and main attraction, they promise a good dose of dancing and fun.

For the moments of "I need a break" , our recommendations: feed yourself with rich and healthy food in Vega, 100% vegan and ecological, with long opening hours and reasonable prices (Calle de La Luna) , or a drink to cheer you up at José Alfredo and his airs of a demodé club but always in vogue (Calle Silva) , or, of course, the coquetry of MariCastaña , in the busiest Corredera.

Gay Pride Madrid 2015

The pleasure of taking the Gran Vía and surrounding areas.


The unofficial Pride outing, the perfect start to a long weekend of fun, takes place on Calle Pelayo, Thursday at 6:00 p.m. , with its emblematic heels race , organized by Chumina Power and with €500 in prizes. For the plan to be perfect, then have a well-drunk beer and accompany it with homemade Moroccan cuisine at La Esquina de Santi (Calle Pelayo, 57). If you are more into coffee, La Nueva Troje (Calle Pelayo, 27) : a place to chat and be comfortable in the center of the center of Chueca . And to continue the party, LL Bar (at number 11), the temple of cross-dressing shows.

heels race

The famous heel race.


On Saturday, the great Gay Pride demonstration will take place, which every year runs through some of the main arteries of Madrid. For those who come to visit the capital for this reason, it is a splendid and lively way to tour Atocha and Cuesta de Moyano, Paseo del Prado, Cibeles, Recoletos and conclude in Plaza de Colón , where from 18.30 the programming of the end of the demonstration stage will begin, which promises to be a mixture of activism, music and good vibes, with musical performances and DJs. Party Party!


While we wait for the great party and demonstration that will conclude in Colón on Saturday , we can enjoy the stage that Shangay will set up in Platea , on Goya Street, next to Colón. To warm up engines, the Wednesday from 19 , with DJs, and **singers like Jay Galiano, Coco de Sales, or the great Marta Sánchez (23 hours)** live. Admission is free until full capacity. If you get hungry, you have a choice, from tapas and flavors from around the world to beers, wines, or Italian cuisine. Ah, the weekend there will be aerobatics. We love.

Madrid Pride

The wave of color in the streets is essential


The Pride party is a party against exclusion, a party where we can all enjoy and claim our equality and our difference. That said, it stands to reason that there are plans for everyone. For example, children: Saturday and Sunday, has been organized ChuecaKids , along the lines of MalaKids in Malasaña , with concerts, various workshops (architecture, gastronomy, technology...), games, face painting and even a giant piano. There will be sessions Saturday and Sunday morning at the Plaza de Chueca, Vázquez de Mella and La Luna. If you have decided on the Plaza de Vázquez de Mella, then go up to the terrace of Room Mate Oscar and enjoy your chill atmosphere and its 360 degree view from the center of Madrid.

And for those with a dog or cat heart, on Sunday at 7:00 p.m., in the Plaza de Chueca, there will be Feathers and paws: a photocall, solidarity market and parade of adopted pets. Cheer up, take yours, and fight against animal abuse.

Everyone enjoy!

This is how beautiful Madrid looks

This is how beautiful Madrid looks

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Gay Pride Madrid 2015

The Gran Vía 'on fire'.

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