The Hyperloop could connect Paris with Amsterdam in just 90 minutes


Hyperloop wants to connect Amsterdam with Paris in just 90 minutes.

Hyperloop wants to connect Amsterdam with Paris in just 90 minutes.

The dream of the traveler of the future will be to be able to shorten the hours of travel as much as possible and do so while generating a smaller ecological footprint . It seems that everything indicates that it will be land transport that develops in this direction. Can you imagine being able to travel from Madrid to London in just one hour? Nothing is impossible...

The answer may have hyper loop , the futuristic train designed by the Dutch company Hardt Hyperloop. According to a recent study by the company the creation of a Hyperloop would have benefits to decongest crowds in large cities , it would also allow ultra-fast links across Europe and reduce energy consumption.

The report has focused on two cases: the metropolitan area of ​​the city of Amsterdam , which would connect with the Ruhr region, one of the most important economic areas in Germany; Y the connection of the city with some cities in Europe such as Paris.

According to the company, these types of high-tech trains could be operational within eight years and would bring great benefits not only to the Netherlands but also to Europe.

The results of the Hardt Hyperloop study.

The results of the Hardt Hyperloop study.

"A Hyperloop connection between Amsterdam and Eindhoven would take just 15 minutes. And Düsseldorf could be reached in less than half an hour . The perspective of the distances between home and work would be radically altered. That's why we think Hyperloop is especially perfect for international connections. ", stressed Stefan Marges, Project Manager of Hardt Hyperloop in a statement.

The proposed routes would depart from the Dutch capital to Brussels (which would be reached in 60 minutes), Dusseldorf (about 60 minutes), Paris and Frankfurt that the Hyperloop could reach in just 90 minutes.

We know that people are willing to travel for a maximum of one hour to go to work . With a high speed Hyperloop they could cover much greater distances in that time. This sounds very promising. That is why we will enter into conversations with other authorities to advance this investigation," they said in the statement.

According to the report, which aims to demonstrate the economic and environmental benefits of this type of futuristic transport, up to about 200,000 passengers could be transported through the Hyperloop per hour and per direction.

“The Hyperloop would create a compact region of cities on all five routes, all within an hour's door-to-door travel distance; this would be equivalent to an additional GDP of 275 billion euros for the province, that is, a growth of 121%”.

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