London's most luxurious trains run again


Flying Scotsman

Passengers to the train!

After decades in depots, the **Flying Scotsman , the Brighton Belle and the Orient Express** return to circulation and coincide all three active for the first time in years, explains the BBC to refer to this time travel.

Thus, the Eastern Express , after being restored to regain the aura it had in its glory years, is operational and it is possible, for example, to travel between London and Venice for about €2,800 per route and person.

So that the Flying Scotsman circulated again at the end of February, it took 10 years of work and something less than €4 million invested in its restoration. Built in 1923 , was the first locomotive in exceed 160 km/h and is able to circulate during 711km no need to stop. His return to life can be seen in this video from the television network French BFMTV . The train left London to York with 297 passengers on board.

The trio of trains will be complete this summer, when the Brighton Belle circulate again after undergoing restoration work valued at almost 8 million euros.

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