Last News! England reopens its international borders


Latest news England reopens its international borders on July 4

Last News! England reopens its international borders on July 4

Confirmed, this summer we will be able to travel to England. While we are still waiting to find out the countries that will form part of the map of the security corridors that will connect Great Britain with the rest of Europe and the measures that will be established by Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, what is certain is that , From Friday, July 10, Spaniards will be able to enter England without the need to quarantine on arrival. Throughout today, the list of countries that will be allowed to enter England without the need for quarantine will be announced, unless they have been or transited through non-exempt countries in the previous 14 days.

Apart from Spain, for now they are also confirmed Italy, France and Germany.

In Spain, the main source market for tourism continues to be the United Kingdom. Last year, 18 million British citizens visited our country.

But tourism is also one of the most important economic sectors in the UK. The tourism industry contributes £127 billion a year to the British economy, employs 3.1 million people and supports 200,000 small and medium businesses and entrepreneurs across the country, being the main employer in many coastal towns and rural communities.

So that we travel through England with confidence, VisitEngland, in collaboration with national organizations tourism from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, has just launched its seal of tourist quality “We’re Good To Go” and the campaign "Know Before You Go" ("Know Before You Go") as part of their joint work to reactivate domestic and, later, international tourism. Thus, when you see this seal in accommodation, restaurants, pubs, attractions, tour companies and other businesses in the British tourism industry, you will know that they strictly follow the recommendations of their respective governments and health authorities, who have developed a risk audit . As stated by the UK Tourism Minister Nigel Huddleston: “This new badge aims to show that tourism companies, destinations and attractions are carrying out official recommendations. Putting safety as a first priority and reactivating the industry in the UK”.

This message of trust is also the one that launches Director of VisitBritain Patricia Yates: “We want visitors to be able to enjoy their vacation and support businesses so they can be confident that they have the correct procedures in place. Our priority is to ensure that tourism bounces back to once again become one of the most successful sectors of the UK economy and this "ring of trust" it is a crucial step in the industry's path to rebuilding.”

Being part of this tourist quality program is free and open to all businesses in the UK tourism industry, that will have to pass the aforementioned risk audit.

It is also important to know that the reopening of accommodations and attractions It will take place on different dates in each of the four nations that make up the United Kingdom: those from England will resume their activity on July 4, those from Scotland will wait a little longer, until July 15, and in Wales they have an appointment on July 9 to decide the final date of the reopening, which is expected to be imminent.

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