Tell me what your horoscope is and I will tell you in which hotel in Spain you will rest


Come if you want to know your future...

Come if you want to know your future...


ARIES _(March 21 to April 20) _ They love beginnings, undertake and adventure. they have a great sense of duty. They can be too possessive. Pioneers by definition. Your destiny is...

LEO _(July 23 to August 23) _ They are full of energy and creativity. They are optimistic, generous and passionate, but also arrogant, proud and immature . They are leaders, idealists and appreciate independence. Your destiny is...

SAGITTARIUS _(November 23 to December 21) _ They are honest and tend to see the world with a positive attitude. They love to start new projects, develop ideas and make outdoor exercise . Sometimes they are capricious. Your destiny is...

Leo this pool is for you

Leo, this pool is for you


TAURUS _(April 21 to May 20) _ Strong, determined, savers and music lovers. They can be a bit stubborn. They enjoy the good gastronomy and of tranquility. Your destiny is...

VIRGO _(August 24 to September 22) _ They like analysis, criticism and logic . They are accused of being shy, and they enjoy the meticulousness and perfection achieved through the details. They are usually discreet, friendly, funny and with great sense. Your destiny is...

CAPRICORN _(December 23 to January 21) _ You can find them happy in isolated places or in the mountains. They are usually practical stable and demanding but also pessimistic. Your destiny is...

Capricorn attention to your pool

Capricorn, attention to your pool


**GEMINI ** _(May 21 to June 21) _ Funny, bright and eloquent. They hide a contradictory character. Looking for emotions and new situations. Your destiny is...

POUND _(September 23 to October 23) _ Charm, elegance, good taste... Libras represent diplomacy, knowing how to be and calm, although they can be frivolous, indecisive and too curious. Your destiny is...

AQUARIUM _(January 21 to February 19) _ Creative, sensitive and altruistic, tolerant and honest . Sometimes they feel the need to withdraw from the world to to meditate or think Your destiny is...

Aquarius you will relax here

Aquarius, you will relax here


CANCER _(June 22 to July 22) _ They may be introverted, but they hide a cheerful Personality, kind and eloquent. They have a great imagination and love safety and the warmth of home. They value literature, theater and art. Your destiny is...

SCORPIO _(October 24 to November 22) _ They are sensitive, critical and passionate . love the word and they are good advisers. They are not afraid of challenges. They can be distrustful. Your destiny is...

PISCES _(February 20 to March 20) _ Romantic, affectionate and very quiet. They have great artistic ability. They have a hard time socializing and they are usually somewhat shy. Your destiny is...

Pisces look what awaits you

Pisces, look what awaits you

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- All articles by Marta Sader

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