Barcelona's Port Vell will have its own Christmas market


A new Christmas market awaits you at Port Vell.

A new Christmas market awaits you at Port Vell.

Barcelona seems to have taken Christmas seriously this 2019. The city never ceases to surprise us with different Christmas attractions with a lot of vein, such as the Käthe Wohlfahrt store, numerous alternative Christmas markets scattered throughout the city, the recovery of the lighting of La Rambla with the cascades of lights in the trees, the manger in Plaça Sant Jaume made with boxes, the new illumination of Passeig de Gràcia , and the most surprising of all, the new Fira de Nadal located in Port Vell .

This great market, which will occupy 5,000 m2 , will open for the first time just in front of the monument to the statue of Columbus, in Plaça del Portal de la Pau.

As the organizers assure, does not intend to compete with the Fira de Santa Llúcia , which this year celebrates its 232nd edition, but wants to be complementary and one more claim for locals and tourists to enjoy Barcelona during the festivals.

The great tree of Port Vell.

The great tree of Port Vell.

From December 5 to January 5, It will have stops dedicated to gastronomy, crafts and Christmas gifts. As a curiosity, they will be made of wood and decorated as in most European Christmas markets. There will be a gastronomic area and a stage where entertainment programs will be developed.

In addition there will be a large 31-meter tree with LED lighting, that every night will offer a visual spectacle to the rhythm of music, together with the 100,000 lights scheduled throughout the Port Vell market.

In the sheet of water in front of the Rambla de Mar will be located an illuminated floating nativity scene and there will also be a classic carousel for the little ones.

La Fura del Baus inaugurate the Fira.

La Fura del Baus will open the Fira.


Put December 5 in your diary because that will be the day of the official lighting of the Fira del Port Vell. the artistic company Fury of the Baus will be in charge of kicking off the festivities.

It is estimated that around 1.5 million people visit the Fira de Nadal in Port Vell this Christmas, which also coincides with the 150th anniversary of the modern port, which in 2019 commemorates a century and a half of life.

You will find it open every day, from 10am to 10pm , except on January 1 when it will be closed.



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