Syra Coffee, the secret of good coffee is in Barcelona


Syra Coffee in Paral·lel.

Syra Coffee in Paral·lel.

Syra Coffee was born in 2015 a small pedestrian street of the Gracia neighborhood call Syracuse , hence its name. A few months later they moved to Mare de Déu dels Desemparats street, just 20 meters from the initial location, but they kept the name because they already felt rooted.

Since then, four years have passed in which they have opened two more locations : one in Carrer Pujades, in Poble Nou , and the last and most recent, on Margarit de Parallel.

Like in a coffee shop of yesteryear pamper and take care of the coffee bean themselves , hence his concept of life is the same as that of the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe , Less is more, but with the most cosmopolitan touches.

“Syra's concept is small cafeterias, take away , meticulously designed and focused on a single product: specialty coffee. We are coffee roasters and we select, import, taste and roast every gram of coffee present in our premises. Syra's purpose has always been democratize good coffee and from the first day, we knew that to achieve our goal we had to do something simple that would allow us to put all our effort into serve the best possible coffee ”, tells Yassir its founder.

A coffee please.

A coffee please.

Coffee, coffee and coffee, and look no further because that is their specialty and the reason for their success. And if something goes well, why go crazy expanding the offer? Here you will only find fresh milk and rich homemade and local cakes to accompany.

“We are not interested, nor have we ever been interested, in having something that we do not know how to do well. We have always seen Syra as a middle ground between a classic specialty cafe and a mass cafeteria type Starbucks”.

Another of its peculiarities is its proximity to the client. How is it understood? Well, very simple. "It's details like advise trying coffee without sugar when we see that someone is going to put it, or offer detailed information about the coffees we roast. We believe that changing the habits of a consumer is a long job, especially for a product as commoditized as coffee”, he points out.

The new 'takeaway' cafeteria in Paral·lel.

The new 'take-away' cafeteria in Paral·lel.

And in the sense of changing habits they are also in line with the zero waste , especially in the case of a take-away, had even more weight. Its packaging is recyclable, and since 2016 they include a reusable packaging program in their offer.

We have some glasses made to measure in bamboo at a very low price with which the first coffee is free and with which you benefit from a lifetime discount every time it is brought (like other reusable containers) . Given our format, we cannot offer ceramic mugs but yes we strongly encourage using reusable cups ”.

From the bean to your coffee.

From the bean to your coffee.

As for the variety of coffee, perhaps that is the reason for its success, since they only work with seasonal grains , that is, that customers have to be open to changes in their offer.

We only work with 100% Arabica specialty coffee and of single-origin (grains from the same farm, not mixtures) . What allows us to have a complete traceability of the product, knowing in most cases the owners of the farms. We currently offer Colombia Tatamá (available in espresso at our stores), Nemba Burundi, Gaturiri AB Kenya, Duromina Ethiopia, Hector Castro Colombia, San Pedro Necta Guatemala and El Palto Peru.”

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