The most instagrammable facilities in New York


Williamsburg Bridge in New York

The most instagrammable facilities in New York

SNARK PARK . Until September.

One of the most recent premieres in New York is this room that hides in the second floor of the shopping center in the new neighborhood of Hudson Yards . Snark Park is a permanent artistic and visual space although its content is renewed each season.

Behind this “park” are the Snarkitecture designers, a team that explores the limits of art and architecture in a fun way. Ben Porto is one of its creators and invites us to discover the space this summer's installation, called lost and found .

Lost and Found Snark Park Exhibit

Mirrors and columns awash in pristine white run through Snark Park this season.

It is a field of columns that simulates an enchanted forest or, more specifically, a labyrinth . Space is open to interpretation because no one tells you what to do or how to explore it. A twenty items , hidden in a weed of fabric, hide in turn mirrors and multi-textured surfaces . One of the hollow logs in this forest, for example, is lined with small sponge balls and, if you look up, a mirror will give you the feeling of being suspended in infinity.

Although the goal is sensory connection with space , Porto is clear that no one will leave this facility without uploading a photo. People are very used to documenting everything and, despite encouragement to prioritize the experience, no one will leave without a good memory for social networks.


Some people think that New York is a very gray city but, in reality, it is full of color. And if you don't ask the more than twenty artists who have built an authentic color factory to the west of Soho . This facility, which must be attended by appointment, proposes an interactive and sensory tour through 16 rooms loaded with visual impacts.

To streamline selfie moments, every room is surrounded by cameras and, with your corresponding code, you can instantly receive all the photos you want to take in your email. So going without a cell phone is not a crime.

The most dazzling spaces are a disco dance floor with luminous circles on the floor that you have to follow as a dance partner and the bubbly ball pool with which the exhibition ends. It may not be very refreshing but it is very instagrammable.

OCEAN CUBE . Until August 18

Not far from The Color Factory, in Soho itself, you can't help but dive into the sea of ​​sensations it offers Ocean Cube. Half Instagram set, half social message , this installation imagines a f extreme future for the oceans while paying attention to relevant issues such as sustainability and preservation of the environment.

You will find the clearest example in the Recycle Bank of Memory , a room lined with empty plastic bottles where you can express your worst nightmare in the form of a message . A coral tunnel leads to the star of the installation, the Jellyfish Station , that imagine whales and jellyfish as a means of ocean transportation . How will traffic jams sound at the bottom of the sea?

** THE ELEPOP NYC .** Through July 25

Neither did we abandon the social message nor did we abandon the Soho neighborhood. In this case it is make the visitor aware of the dangers that elephants face in the world . What awaits you is a circuit through 12 immersive rooms and two interactive digital installations with elements that evoke these giants of nature that could disappear from the planet in less than 20 years.

Aware of the impact of social networks, this organization invites you to share your photos to convey to your followers the need to protect elephants . In addition, 10% of your income goes to entities that fight for the same purpose and nothing you will see is of animal origin. Now that's a good circle of life.

** THE TROLLS EXPERIENCE .** Until September 2

This space is designed to bring out the child you have inside and dedicated to non-colorblind people because the visual impact of The Trolls Experience is overwhelming . Here you enter with a mission: to do everything possible so that the Troll Poppy has the best day of her life . To achieve it, nothing better become one of them in the hairdressing and makeup workshop.

From there it's all fun. In a room you can compose your favorite dance rhythm and also decorate the space as you like . All set for the 3d party . Beyond the glitter and flashes of colored light, history buffs have the opportunity to enter a historic building from 1897 now taken over entirely by the Trolls.


If you're crazy about debates like the one about the white and gold (or blue and black) dress, there may be no better museum in New York for you than the one about the delusions . spread over two floors of a former financial institution , you'll find dozens of rooms that will put your reason to the test with all kinds of visual effects and interactive games.

For once, we are in a museum where running and jumping is allowed, but have you ever tried to do it in a room with zebra stripes, black and white, diagonally or with a slanted floor? Maybe it's not that easy. You will have endless opportunities to immortalize your visit as in the Infinity Room, where you will appear multiplied to infinity, or the Rotated Room, which gives the impression of walking on the ceiling.

Museum of Illusions New York

Museum of Illusions, New York.

** THE NAUTILUS .** Until September 10

Another facility where visitors are encouraged to touch rather than just look is that of The Nautilus. Reminds a forest but this made with 95 light poles that are activated by human contact.

Aided by sensors and smart technology, each one emits a sound and a light flash specific to each interaction . Imagine a giant futuristic musical instrument that is played in a simple walk. If you feel capable of composing your own symphony of light, you only have to approach the Old New York Harbor, at Pier 17.

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