Welcome to The Nice Guy, the stars' anti-instagram spot


The Nice Guy

Privacy and parties until dawn in LA = yes, it is possible

It is a scene that you have surely seen several times (because, who has not seen Goodfellas , of Martin Scorsese , at least twice in his life?) and that he never stops making your heart race: Lorraine Bracco yells at Ray Liotta that no one has ever stood her up in her life and that he, of course, hasn't going to do it again. In the next scene, Ray grabs Lorraine's hand, and they cross the street and enter the Copacabana club through the back door, while half the city lines up outside. While 'Then He Kissed Me' by The Crystals plays, and Scorsese shoots one of the most brutal sequence shots in film history, the two go through the bowels of the most exclusive club in town ; they go down and up the stairs, pass through the kitchen, Ray Liotta hands out bills left and right among the managers and greets all the waiters he meets. The scene ends with them sitting at the best table in the place, with the star performance about to begin, and with the spectator with a 'wooow!' monumental drawn in the mouth.

Now swap Ray Liotta and Lorraine Bracco for Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik , or by Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris , or by Kristen Stewart and Soko the Cat –sorry, it's the sign of the times– and the Copacabana by **The Nice Guy**, and the result will still be pretty much the same. What is The Nice Guy? It is the name of the place that sweeps Los Angeles and that appears mentioned an indecent proportion of times in the paparazzi photos that are made in this city (which is also quite indecent).

If you go over the location where it is said that the photo of Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner, Hailey Baldwin, Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Joe Jonas, Zac Efron, Harry Styles , etc. was made, you will see that in the last couple of months it is constantly repeated: The Nice Guy. If one googles the name, the first thing one sees is a very old school hollywood in which he sends a glorious sign that warns that no photos. 'No pictures' . Sorry? Can't take photos inside the hot spot in Los Angeles in 2016? But are we crazy? And the selfies? Is it that no one thinks of the selfie ?

No pictures allowed

No pictures allowed!

Precisely, it must be the first thing that its founders thought of, that they belong to the powerful The H.wood Group (Which are the ones who cut 'the cod' when it comes to high lifestyle in L.A.). One of the most shared slogans on social networks these days is, paradoxically, the one that ensures that "The greatest luxury today is to be disconnected" , so the owners of this space guarantee their clients the be protected , for a few hours, of the exhibition 2.0 It can be said that The Nice Guy is the anti-instagram and anti-twitter of Instagram and Twitter stars . Paradoxical? Much. Irresistible? Plus.

Privacy in the heart of Los Angeles

Privacy in the heart of Los Angeles

The concept, philosophy and inspiration belongs to the owner of The H.wood Group, John Terzian , that he has told in the few interviews that he has granted on the matter that what he wanted was "That my clients feel at home, always welcome, comfortable and safe".

John Terzian is responsible for the decoration of The Nice Guy, which is the closest thing to being in a 1940s mafia bar-restaurant '. It is located in The swamp , in West Hollywood, the area preferred by all those photographed by the paparazzi and mentioned above, and is the typical slum-luxurious-decadent that you have seen in the best films of the genre.

Missing a mafia capo

Missing a mafia capo

You know: where the owner is sitting at the table of the biggest big shot drinking whiskey and talking nonsense nonstop. At the entrance there is the obligatory marble bar where they say that you have to ask, yes or yes, for the Chairman , a cocktail that is served in a hip flask and that has been baptized in honor of Frank Sinatra . That carries? Gentleman whiskey, Aperol, cocoa, cola reduction, and cider vinegar. There are, of course, private booths and others that open onto the floor and invite you to dance like Ray Liotta and Lorraine Bracco would. You can also dine at The Nice Guy and the menu is an ode to Italian-American cuisine that you've probably salivated over in every gangster movie and series (and especially in The Sopranos ) .

Like a 40's underground club

Like a 40's underground club

As you can imagine, getting into The Nice Guy is harder than getting into Harvard. . As simple as it is to do, for example, in Château Marmont , it is almost impossible here. Unless one belongs to the entourage of Gigi, Kendall, Zayn, Harry, Drake, Rihanna and company, the thing is raw . At The Nice Guy they remember that whoever wants to enter the premises can try it through the communication service. That is: you can call and you can send an e-mail . There is a person on the phone the whole time The Nice Guy is open and there is a person on duty to read the emails that come in asking for access to this new temple of glamour. do And how do you get The Nice Guy's phone number or e-mail? That's another story... This is Los Angeles and this is the most private and exclusive place in the city, what did you expect?

It is the most exclusive club in the city

It is the most exclusive club in the city

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