Requiem for the rodent hotel


Roll and roll... without advancing

Roll and roll... without advancing (but with Wi-Fi and other amenities, of course)

The Rue Malherbe It is one of the oldest streets in Nantes. Sinuous and with an ancient aftertaste, it is located in the heart of the city, in an ideal place for tourists to spend the night. Frederic Tabary and Yann Falquerho must have thought the same thing when they acquired the number 2 of this route, an old studio from the 18th century, with the aim of converting it into a hostel . The deviation began when the minds of this set designer and this interior designer did not decide, what do I know, to project a normal little hotel, one of those 'with charm'. Noooo, what for? It would be much better to use this property to fulfill a friky-childish dream: make the guest live and feel like an adorable hamster.

Tabary and Falquerho are the owners of A coin chez soi , a company dedicated to renting houses and different spaces, in order to offer alternative accommodation experiences to get out of the routine . The Hamster Village was, without any doubt, the best known of all of them because it combined the initial objective of this initiative with the extravagant nature of a perfectly emulated human-sized cage in 16 square meters . In a rather furry moment, the visitor was received and invited to wear a ridiculous hat with ears , which helped him shed his skin and his human condition and feel like an adorable and disoriented little mouse.

The next step was obviously run around ecstatic over the overdose of news discovering every detail of their new existence: eating delicious seed feed (by the way, addictive and ecological since they buy them at a neighborhood organic store), learning to drink from a hydraulic system trough and, of course, go to the wheel . That place where you can run and run without advancing, turning around a noisy element of torture more than two meters in diameter. And so, tired, embracing sleep in a bed located in a loft and through which you could only move on all fours, making the mousy experience last until the eyelids closed.

Not without my hamster

Concept 2metaratonera": in this Villa you took care of your own rodent being a hamster

The next day the fun continued. The once cruel wheel was transformed into a comfortable table to enjoy the food. With the light of the day the details of the image were better observed. pampered decoration, like the lamps, all of them rodent-inspired . The breakfast, which was included in the package, returned the visitor to his human condition, since he abandoned the original welcome snacks for small mammals and made way for the always necessary coffee.

Its authors affirmed that they wanted the guests to have “a regression. A trip to his childhood when they had their own hamsters and cared for and pampered them.” And why this little animal? "Because of their tenderness and because they are adorable, which guarantees that the return to the past is effective," they assured. Of course, this noble intention was not exempt from comforts: the 2.5 meter mattress was wonderful, the television was plasma and it has wifi , which made the experience not feel like a common alley mouse, but like a mr hamster . In addition, it was a lucrative business, since the night cost €99 in total, with breakfast and real rodent breeding included.

It may have been expensive, too bizarre or too extravagant, but the fun of getting under the skin of this rodent made life a little less repetitive. It was worth it. Requiem for Hamster Village.

The mouse room was meaningless without his full rodent outfit.

The mouse room was meaningless without his full rodent outfit.

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