They have prohibited taking photographs of this town... and now they circulate all over the world!


Who could resist photographing this postcard

Who could resist photographing this postcard?

"It is scientifically proven that nice vacation photos on social networks make the viewer unhappy , because they cannot be there themselves", they affirmed from the tourist office of the zone. Bergün/Bravuogn is beautiful added Mayor Peter Nicolay. "We don't want people from outside our community feel bad looking at photos of our picturesque landscape , so we cordially invite you to experience it for yourself."

Nicolay also stated that he was delighted that the inhabitants of the area had "everyone's happiness in his heart" , and declared that he was very proud of it, while posters were hung in the town warning of the ban -which even carried a symbolic fine of five euros -.

media from all over the world echoed this strange rule, until, two weeks later, a press release from the town itself declared that they had achieved what they wanted: be on everyone's lips , and getting Bergün/Bravuogn images shared more eagerly than ever.

The mayor himself explains the whole thing in a hilarious video , in which you can appreciate the wonders that make the place a special place: the cows, the old alleys, the mountains, the river...

Right now, the ban is still in force -must also be repealed in plenary session-, but, as Nicolay states in the film, anyone who has a camera will be guaranteed a pass in order to "bypass" the restriction. And judging by the instagram images They must be handing out a lot!

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