Barcelona becomes the first 'Veg-friendly' city in the world


Unstoppable and essential Barcelona

Barcelona: unstoppable and essential

The Barcelona's town hall approved last Tuesday a motion by which the city has acquired the status of veg-friendly , becoming the first city in the world in promoting measures along these lines, reports For now, the campaign's radius of action BCN Vegan Friendly it is limited to this city, but its objective is that other localities echo it. In this way, those responsible for the initiative are committed to, from a local level , foment more ethical and healthy habits , which could also contribute to economic and social development.

And it is to be a city "friend of vegan and vegetarian culture" It is not a mere title to show the world how cool Barcelona can be (we already know that). This declaration carries with it the launching of a series of concrete measures that promote these habits. Thus, among the main initiatives, the publication of a vegetarian guide to the city, both on paper and digitally, and the creation of an app with which neighbors and, especially, tourists who are passing through will have access to this information.

Boqueria Market

Boquería Market, the definitive snack

In fact, the promoters of this measure, whose origin dates back to the election campaign when the Liberate Animalist Association! and the Franz Weber Foundation requested that political formations include it in their electoral programs, highlight not only its environmental benefits, but also the potential it has to attract tourism.

At the moment none of the 10 cities in the world preferred by vegans and vegetarians to travel, among which is not Barcelona, ​​has specific strategies to attract them. If implemented, the Ciudad Condal could position itself in a privileged place among this group, which the promoters consider to be quality tourism , since they are usually people with fewer children on average and, therefore, higher spending power.

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