Travel through the most picturesque carnivals in the world


The most picturesque carnivals in the world

New Orleans bursts with color during Mardi Gras

Let's start with homesickness, in our beloved Galicia. In Laza we find a Carnival with medieval roots l, and it is not hard to believe seeing the action protocol. The most entertaining part of the celebration comes with the 'Farrapada', which consists of to poke with cloths wet with mud the unwary who pass through the Plaza da Picota . That same day, at sunset, 'La Morena' arrives: a resident of the town dressed in a bull's head pretends to attack the women, while his cute minions throw dirt with ants to the public.

A planted (and well-watered) Cadiz is an inexhaustible field of possibilities. There is more to hear the lyrics of the Chirigotas de Cádiz to test the ability of our rib cage to laugh . And now, to the Canary Islands. One of the oldest carnival traditions can be found in Reef , Lancelot. There the sailors dried fish bladders of generous size, to later inflate them without any scruple, and make all the noise possible, with a clean drumbeat.

Sardines don't just bury themselves, this brave American citizen at Mardi Gras knows

Sardines don't just burrow, this brave American citizen at Mardi Gras knows

Wherever you go, do what you eat. Thus, in the Valencian town of Villar del Arzobispo, they bury what catches them most at hand: a black pudding . With total solemnity, the Burial of the morca is carried out with a parade of torches, to the funeral sound of the orchestra, and accompanied by a group of inconsolable mourners. Finally, the blood sausage is incinerated.

Much more widespread throughout the world Burial of the Sardine , which symbolizes, at a good hour green sleeves, the end of the carnival debauchery. Thus, in Germany Shrove Tuesday is called 'Fastnacht' (fasting eve) and in the countries of Carnival par excellence, Brazil and the United States 'Mardi Gras'.

Naturally restrained, Holland goes wild at Carnival . At least the Catholic cities of the south, like Maastricht. During the call the 'Oude Wijvenavonden' or 'Old Women's Night' , the bars and the streets (the streets are already bars) are filled with women jovially entertained in humiliating men according to tradition: cutting their shoelaces.

Russian-style carnival

Carnival, Russian style

The naturally impetuous Russian people celebrate their 'Maslenitsa' without skimping on parties that justify a massive intake of vodka . Its most shocking tradition is that sins are considered to be beaten away (Cardinal redemption, highly purple high curia) . That is why it is common to see gangs of buddies hitting each other with or without affection, and professional boxing rings packed with people, especially in Moscow.

Seniority is a degree in Portugal, especially in the Madeira region , where the elders of the place make rounds of tales and popular stories to start the festivities. And speaking of institutional respect: in Zizkov, the mayor disguises himself as a bear , as part of the czech folk tradition , symbolizing abundance and prosperity. A custom that we would all like to see imported into our country through an urgent Decree-Law.

The most picturesque carnivals in the world

Bonfire nights at the carnival in Ivrea, Italy

If we say Italy you will think of Venice. But let's talk about Carnival of Ivrea . It started as a protest against the Napoleonic occupation of 1808. But it is already known that the metaphors, inoffensive by nature, sometimes take on citrus forcefulness: here the disputes are resolved with a clean orange . Tradition says that if you wear the red cap, which represents freedom, you will get rid of orange. But in the heat of battle, such diplomatic impunity is gleefully ignored. And with pulps hanging.

In Uruguay , the maximum celebration of the black community is The night of the calls . There are also lubolos ( white painted as black, in the recognizable style of Baltasar ) to parade all together to the beat of Afro-Uruguayan candombe rhythms. While in the Mazatlan carnival the main event is 'The burning of the bad mood' . I wish it lasted all year.

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