The white carnival of La Palma


The white carnival of La Palma

Indianos during the white carnival of La Palma

In a parade that starts from the Avenida de Los Indianos, to the sound of Cuban points and in the middle of a great cloud of talc that envelops the entire city , the Indians give free rein to fun in a tradition that, recovered in the 80s, is present in a genuine way and with increasing force in the palmero carnival.

Among the theories that point to the origin of this custom, some place it in the Cuban ñáñigo rituals of whitening the skin, and other versions narrate that when the ships arrive at the port, the passengers who returned home boasting of the riches obtained in Cuba, were powdered to prevent the spread of tropical diseases that they could bring with them. However, other sources indicate that since the 17th century there was the custom of getting powdered in Carnival, not only during a specific day but that it was a most common practice throughout the duration of the carnival.

Guayabera, white pants and Panamanian hat for him, and vintage lace suits and umbrellas for her. Leather suitcases, trunks and bundles of bills sticking out of their pockets are also part of the traditional clothing.

The arrival at the atrium of the City Hall of la Negra Tomasa, a fundamental character in this festival, marks the beginning of the celebration that will start in the mid-afternoon and that, between refreshing mojitos and intense cigars, will last until dawn.

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