Piazza Navona


Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona

The eternal meeting point of the eternal city. Piazza Navona, right in the center of all the tourist attractions, is home to numerous restaurants and bars. In the middle of this oval square is the famous fountain in which the Ganges, the Nile, the Danube and the Río de la Plata are represented, the work of Bernini and some of his pupils. Piazza Navona never sleeps and, if you have time, you could spend the whole day there starting with breakfast, followed by a delicious lunch, a fantastic dinner, a night out in the clubs and starting again with breakfast.

The piazza maintains the form that once had the disappeared stadium of domitian , on which it rises. Thus, the buildings that surround the square take the place of the stands, and it maintains the characteristic curve of the sports venue. it was the dad Innocent X who recovered the stadium in the 16th century and ordered it to be flooded, as used to be done in Roman times during the celebrations of fake sea battles , so that the torrid months of August were less rigorous. Over the centuries, the square took shape until it reached its current appearance.

The rivalry between Borromini Y Bernini reached its peak when, after devising and setting the foundations for the future Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi , the first was removed by the pope from the project so that the second would take charge of it. A) Yes, Bernini He sculpted the figures that represented the four great rivers that were considered at that time to be the most important on the planet: the Ganges , the Danube , the Nile and the Silver river . Once the square took on its current appearance, the rumor began to circulate that the sculptor had represented the Silver river with her arm raised above his head in mockery of Borromini , architect of the curved facade of the chiesa di Sant ‘Agnese in Agone, which is right in front of the fountain, in a gesture of protection against the possible collapse of the church. However, despite being a widely spread legend and entirely fictional, the church was built after Bernini the source will end.

Following its tradition acquired in the 15th century as a great market for Rome , when he moved from Capitol Hill to here, the artists of Piazza Navona they occupy their space to display their creations for sale. If you have in mind to buy art in the Eternal City, this is a good place to start your search.

Map: See map

Address: Piazza Navona See map

Guy: Point of interest

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