Where were the holidays... and our parents' sofa


Where are the holidays... and our parents' sofa

Where were the holidays... and our parents' sofa

And that you did not want to spend the few days of vacation you had left in your hometown. Especially considering that going back meant settling in with your parents, that home from which you fled far away a few years ago and that, every time you return, ends up becoming an advanced math problem. “ Oh son, and can't you stay a few more days? ”. Squaring it has not been easy, we know. Your busy agenda that started in Burma; That couple of days you put together for Manchester, plus the one you booked for New Years, left you with a balance of a total of four days. and you thought . Although not much you didn't have a penny and you had to optimize expenses.

What you have is post family syndrome of the all inclusive

Do you have the all-inclusive post-family syndrome?

And this is how the clique was set up in the office, with different family vacation stories but all the same. A ticket home and snuggle on the couch as if time had not passed. And no, he hasn't: What are you going to want for dinner? Are you going out? With who? Don't be too late, your father and I are worried." But your social commitments (and the town festivals) are so many that the “ So I take advantage and see my parents ” is almost a miracle: at lunchtime and little else. Until the day comes when “This is not a hostel” and you decide to stay with them. Well, for that and because no one goes out. This is when things get complicated and you remember why you left. The “Are you going to be lying there all day doing nothing?” It seemed like a plan until it was pronounced by your mother. Family commitments didn't make it easy either. and, thus, out of the blue, once again it was the house of yesteryear.


That you won't come back anymore, that if you're already packing your suitcase, that if I'm leaving, yes, look how I'm going... Your mother taking care that the neighbors do not find out and, in the end, you return to unpack your backpack and sit at the table, that she is already on . Hey friend! How good it is at home. In your parents, of course, because that half-ruined shared apartment without an elevator with fauna included where you live it cannot be called home. It seems that, what at first was an unfulfilled vacation, they have ended up being an all-inclusive that you now miss a lot . In fact, you're already counting down the days to return, "although for the next one I'll stay a little longer." No, it's not a joke. It is that you have matured and you have realized that this is indeed a vacation, and not the nine-day route through Thailand a la Pekin Stress; or what It's September and everything is magnified.

Summer at mom and dad's house (let's call it summering, even if they live in the north and outside of everything but summer) is better than any five star hotel. That tangle of clothes accumulated between a chair and the suitcase appears one day in your closet clean and folded. You don't have to worry too much about what you'll eat today Yes, macaroni with tuna, spaghetti, pizza... There the diet may not be more balanced, although it is more varied: cooked, fabada, stewed meat, entrecote, paella, cachopo, suckling lamb, etc. . And, then, you remember that the food had flavor and that if you had lost weight it was not because your metabolism had changed, but because you did not earn for those five dishes per meal.

welcome son

Welcome son!

You sleep between clean, ironed sheets, possibly with a floral scent, and appreciate again what a real mattress and pillow are, without waking up with the springs burned into your back. “ As soon as I get home I invest in comfort ”. But you won't, and you won't ever know what it is again until you walk back into your parents' house. Because, if we eliminate the fact that they speak loudly, they live with Save me in the background and that your father's snoring during his nap prevents you from reading that interesting book, you know that nothing bad can happen there.

It's like traveling to another social status , which in turn reminds you that you were born in a very bad time. Although rather the one who says it is your uncle, that and that you are still single. We're already upsetting Grandma. And that is not good for us, that if these vacations are more than economic, it is also thanks to her. "No grandma, don't give me anything.", while you reach under the table without your parents knowing. Before because you were small to manage it and now because receiving money from your grandmother's meager pension at your 30 years is ugly.

In total, if we add the food, beers, family dinners and some other whim, they are the vacations that come out to us the most. Although there is no need to whimper much (rather nothing), your whole family knows that, under that look that you consider vintage but modern, there is a starving man. It's what it takes to have gone to the big city and want to live your Spanish dream (or a foreigner if you've been lucky enough to go further afield) as a journalist, photographer, film director, painter, forklift driver or dishwasher. For that, you would have better stayed in the village. “Wait, that's not such a bad idea either. Nooo, how am I going to get back to my parents' house? Although maybe next time I could go a little longer...” . Don't worry, you're not going crazy, it's September and you're sitting in an office again where time mysteriously slows down and never seems to go past twelve in the morning. It is normal that you even doubt that you want to have your parents a little closer.

your room your temple

Your room, your temple (here Howard Wolowitz's in The Big Bang Theory)

And it is that, if before you felt lucky to have gone very far to avoid having to get up on Sundays to transport your malaise and hangover to family meals, you now begin to envy everyone who lives in the same city as your family. Even if it's for convenience these have new Tupperware every weekend . You also wouldn't have to spend your vacation days going to see them and, most importantly, if you threaten to leave, you just have to walk out the door and not having to stay for days under their rules.

However, since they are not going to come and, most likely, we are not going either, We have no choice but to continue counting the days , changing shifts to dine there at Good night and spending a dough to relive the usual again. And, even if you are thinking of going back to the nest, it is better that way. Really, you're old . Think that if not, then there would be no time travel, we would stop going back to fifteen years old again, being treated as a "visitor" with a license to loiter, no one would be waiting for us at the airport, grandma would not have so much money with which to traffic and, worst of all, we would be forced to change flats and friends. Oh, and we wouldn't have a melodrama to tell when we got back to the office, nor would we hate September so much.

Follow @raponchii

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