David Lynch lands in Madrid: have we lost our minds (draft)?


Rhizome Festival



It is said, it is commented, that since last Thursday there are people who enter La PeSeta asking for things as strange as “Una Laura Palmer”, “Dos Eraser Heads” or “Three Lost Highways”. The names of the ticket kits already say it all: we like david lynch and we like it loud . Currently you can still make with the Laura Palmer kit (for staunch fans of the director for a 'modest' 210 euros) and, be careful with the tongue twister cinephile, with the Lost Highway kit without an Eraser Head (that is, without the presentation of the Lynchian film cycle that Lynch himself will do at the Filmoteca Wednesday at 8:30 p.m.). Of course, there are also tickets for the lynchian party (20 euros) and for the dinner with Lynch + party pack. You put the desire. The money, too. Lynch, Lynch, Lynch. Lynch.

Twin Peaks

A well-bagged Laura Palmer, please.


The same one who created the most cryptic character ever invented for a television series, will make his first stop at the Reina Sofía to talk to us about meditation . If you are a fan of Lynch, you have done it: you have bought his book Catch the gold fish and you have remained topicueto with sentences like “(...) I call that depression and anger the Suffocating Clown Rubber Suit of Negativity. It's suffocating and the rubber stinks. But as soon as you've started meditating and diving, the clown suit starts to disintegrate. You finally realize how putrid the smell was when it starts to fade. Then when it dissolves, you feel free.”

That is the first thing we will do with David Lynch in Madrid tomorrow, Tuesday at 8:00 p.m.: disintegrate the clown in his conference "Meditation, Consciousness and Creativity" , with book signing included around 9:30 p.m. (You know what you have to do if you don't have it, because "going for nothing is nonsense"). Currently there are no more tickets for the conference (20 euros) not even for the low cost option (12 euros), that is, to see it from a screen in another room and live (we already know it's fashionable). Well that: lose your head.

Log Lady

"One day my log will have something to say about all this"

Of course, if you are still a young student (or not), take advantage of their university meeting in the Aula Magna of the Carlos III University in Getafe at 11:30 a.m. (open to the public after collecting free invitations). That same day, at 6:00 p.m. Lynch will return to the classroom, this time with a TAI-Rizoma Master Class (by invitation only for the TAI Community and the winners of the contest organized for such)

*Tip Traveler: pay a visit to the center Hare Krishna from Holy Spirit Street . That is meditation. And a menu for six euros sitting on the floor tasting vegetarian dishes.


Obvious. **Lynch comes to Madrid and the Filmoteca takes out the cans of the director **. On Wednesday, Lynch himself will present the cycle that opens with the viewing of eraserhead, eraser head . Card your best Henry toupee and, if you run out of tickets (a small number will be sold at the door that day and we can imagine the queue that will be made), you can continue enjoying the rest of the cycle that will continue until the end of October (replenishment of eraser head including day 29, but without dunes neither Fire Walk With Me ) .

*Tip Traveler: If you don't get the audiovisual embarrassment or if you stay without entering the director's presentation, continue a little further on Santa Isabel street to number 15 and pay a visit to the Benteveo . The penalties, with beer and tapas, are less penalties. And if you sit on the red leather sofas in the sensual light of the old-fashioned lamp... it might slip in like a Lynchian scenario.

Henry of Eraserhead

Henry, protagonist of Eraserhead


And so much so that we have lost our minds: 150 euros is what it will cost you to chew at the same table as David Lynch at the Círculo de Bellas Artes. Menu? unknown. We assume there will be coffee, cherry pie and donuts . Maybe dwarf chickens?

The famous cherry pie from Twin Peaks

The famous cherry pie from Twin Peaks

With the same ticket you can also access the later lynchian party (or only to the party for 20 euros). David will no longer be here (location unknown at the moment). Here only the fans will be wrapped in transparent film emulating Laura Palmer, covered in blue velvet like Isabella Rossellini or accompanied by logs like Lady Log. And no one will look down on you. We propose the Denise Bryson as Ultimate Costume , namely, David Duchovny as a sexy DEA agent. Diane, we have a problem..

*** Traveler Tip:** There is nothing more Lynch than karaoke. How she likes the stage and red lips glued to a microphone. We propose the Toast, calle Tres Cruces 8 , (hard to escape the charm of its wooden bar, its padded leather sofas and its darkness) to sing a 'Cryin' like Mulholland Drive . If you need something a little more serious but no less Lynchian, visit the Volta (Santa Teresa street 9) . Its sofas, its reddish light and its surreal objects are the closest thing to the Red Room of Twin Peaks in all of Madrid.

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