The best restaurants in Teruel



Yain restaurant dish


The corner (Santa Lucía neighborhood, 4 tel. 978 80 60 63) €€

Restaurant and gastrobar that plays with seasonal Mediterranean cuisine and casual pinchos.

Miguel Arenera, in charge of the kitchens of this place "with a broken heart", bets on the traditional Aragonese cuisine but, of course, they always assault him more modern flashes, especially in “different” presentations and combinations.

Here they live in harmony roasts, marinades, game dishes and stews (of chickpeas, a watchword of the house) with creative and surprising tapas. He tries the sea bass on a stew of mushrooms and fried garlic sprouts or the mille-feuille of beef cheek: to cry with emotion.

Stick or not with the chosen menu (it always sticks, we assure you), it is unforgivable to leave here without having tasted the magnificent Teruel ham.


The Mint (Bartolomé Esteban, 10 tel. 978 60 58 04) €€€

Contemporary kitchen. The spearhead of updated Teruel cuisine. Located a stone's throw from the Plaza del Torico, it has spent years defending current parameters, but without excesses , and contained prices in a city that tends more towards a traditional offer.

The proposal winks at the local recipe book, but does not renounce products and influences from other sources. Carpaccio of prey D.O.P. Teruel al chimichurri with Albarracín cheese; sticky rice with pork nose. There is no shortage of classics, such as the ternasco, elaborated with solvency.

Yain (Plaza de la Judería, 9 tel. 978 62 40 76) €€€

Seasonal dishes and the commitment of Raul Same for putting your city on the gastronomy map. A printing warehouse.

A magnificent exponent of what market cuisine can give of itself. Here the cod in various presentations has a fundamental role, also Teruel cheeses. And, in addition, delicacies such as the neck of lamb roasted at low temperature with mashed dried apricots; or rice (seasonal, of course) .

Raúl was selected in 2012 to represent Spain in the World Sommeliers Championship (Japan). So, attention to the choice of wines from him.


Batan Inn (Ctra. Comarcal A-1512, km 43 tel. 978 70 60 70) €€€€

Creative cuisine focused on local products, with Two tasting menus depending on the character of the diner: experimental or traditional.

It is a delight to eat (or, better, dine) surrounded by nature that surrounds this restaurant of classic shapes (it is in a stone house), but with an authentic gourmet projection. Examples? Boletus cream sublimation fondue; the Sarrión truffle or the premium red tuna loin.

His thing is to dine here calmly, knowing that a room in the guest house is waiting for him later.

€ Less than €10

€€ Up to €20

€€€ Up to €50

€€€€ More than 50 €

*You can find the 2018 Gastronomic and Wine Guide in a digital version for your devices, at Manzana , Zinium Y google play .

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