The Traveler Challenge of José Manuel Miguel


What is the perfect menu of Jos Manuel Miguel

What is the perfect menu for José Manuel Miguel?

Today the Traveler Challenge dresses up. And it is that (drum roll) our protagonist today, the Valencian Jose Manuel Miguel —two Michelin stars in its Il Vino and Goust restaurants, after passing through the kitchens of Le Bistrol and Submarine ; he has just been awarded the Vermeil de la Ville de Paris medal (this medal), for his contribution to revitalizing the gastronomy of the city of light and being (how nice) a ambassador of notre art de vivre .

José Manuel is the first Spanish chef to be awarded this medal; and it was Anne Higaldo, mayor of Paris (and Cadiz) who presented him with the gold along with brown beasts of French cuisine such as Pierre Cagnaire, Eric Frechon, Joël Robuchon or Alain Ducasse . It was nice to share a gastronomic weekend with him, and incidentally put him in front of the wall of the Traveler Challenge:


I will never forget my trip through Argentina to see my good friend and great cook Luci either; who made me discover the gastronomy and wines of his country, but there was a dish that left me in love with its simplicity, flavor and texture: it was the grilled matambre with chimichurri It is one of those dishes that I still remember and that made me enormously happy. I had never tried this piece of beef next to the ribs, so tender, accompanied by that marinade that is chimichurri. based on oregano, parsley, garlic, vinegar and oil.

ITALY 2013

Travel to Piedmont with my boss ** Enrico Bernardo (Best Sommelier in the World) ** in the middle of the white truffle season. First time traveling to Italy and going to a region like Piedmont with magnificent wines from the varieties Barolo or Barbaresco ; We went to visit some producer friends of Enrico's, such as Gaja or Pellissero, and in addition to discovering great wines, I was lucky enough to discover true Italian cuisine and one of the dishes that fascinated me was Battuta di fassone with white tartufo … simply bestial: a beef tartare from the Piedmont breed, called Fason , slightly seasoned that with the white truffle they gave an explosion of flavor in the mouth accompanied by a good glass of Barolo . A perfect pairing.

Piedmont will leave you speechless

Piedmont will leave you speechless


Lunch at the restaurant where I trained a few years ago in Hotel Bristol in Paris with 3* Michelin Stars, the cuisine of the Chef Eric Frechon I already knew her but she didn't know the new proposal from her Pastry Chef Laurent Jeanin, the food? perfect but what I'll never forget it was the dessert they brought us ; called Citron Givre , is a false lemon where you find all the lemon flavors with an amazing delicacy and balance. The best dessert of my life.


Impossible to forget this trip, since it was the first time that I crossed the pond, I was very young and I already knew that I wanted to be a chef . It was a pleasure trip in which, in addition to learning about the culture of your country for the first time, I had the opportunity to try **true Mexican cuisine (in the small towns)** that I was completely unaware of... a cuisine rich in grains, spices and meats; corn, beans, habanero and serrano peppers , which can be used as fillings or as dishes. It was the first time that I tried a totally different cuisine to what I was used to, which made me feel more curious to know more and more around the world.

Hotel Bristol in Paris hard to forget

Hotel Bristol in Paris: hard to forget


Lightning trip from Paris on the train to **Amsterdam with a good cook friend (Iñaki)** who worked with me, we took advantage of two days of rest to make a quick gastronomic trip. The dish that stuck in my head were the herrings , it was the first time in my life that I tried them; and I was surprised that they were sold in the middle of the street like they were hotdogs...

SPAIN 2016

With my recent visit to Madrid Fusion , I have lived one of the most intense and exciting gastronomic experiences, both for its proposal and its staging. I'm talking about David Muñoz, his restaurant diverse and his menu “the Madrid of the 80s”... it is really incredible how he manages to transport you to the most traditional Madrid understood by David. There was one that really marked me for its power of flavour, originality and journey to the essence of Madrid cuisine… Madrileño stew in 3 turns of Black leg Iberian suckling pig with octopus, tuber melanosporum and kimchi , Madriz – Tokyo… simply brutal.

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