Boa Mistura adds color to Tetuán with a mural that speaks of starting over


Boa Mistura intervention in Tetuan Madrid

An explosion of color after the gray that has accompanied us lately

A circle as a symbol of the perfection of the cycle; flowers to freeze that cycle, and its evolution, in the rebirth that spring implies; and color, a lot of color, to break with this gray that has enveloped us by putting life on pause. The number 32 of Olite street, in the Madrid neighborhood of Tetuán, he has become handsome, very handsome, and those responsible have been the genius and vitality that comes from any work that bears the signature of Boa Mistura.

They write on their Instagram account that this intervention, the first they have carried out after the quarantine, has been for them “The beginning of a new cycle. The spring of this new normal. Nothing made more sense than freezing the moment in bloom, linked to life and fertility. Something necessary to close a circle and start over”.

Boa Mistura intervention in Tetuan Madrid

The beginning of a new cycle. The spring of this new normal

An idea, that of being reborn, which had already been conceived before the confinement, when they began to work on this project. “You had to freeze that infinite cycle at some point and flowering, linked to spring, seemed to us the most symbolic moment”, explains Pablo Purone, one of the members of Boa Mistura, to

And then life happened, or ceased to happen as we knew it, and art made that magic of its to fit perfectly with the moment, in this case, to return. "Many times the works are resignified as time progresses. Pieces, which were conceived with a meaning, mutate and adapt to the vital moment, sometimes individual of each one and other times collective, as it has been in this case”.

Hence, Purone speaks of the title of the mural in the conditional. "Could be called New Normal . Although, as occurs in some African tribes in which proper names mutate as the person goes through different relevant vital milestones, this work could change its name in the future as we go through this new and uncertain cycle”.

What will not change, at least in the short term, is the rupture in the landscape that this intervention supposes. “It is a gap of color and movement in the monotonous rhythms of the city. In a way, it turns the building into a landmark, a point of reference within the neighborhood”.

Boa Mistura intervention in Tetuan Madrid

A gap of color and movement in the monotonous rhythms of the city

Purone claims that “Having the opportunity to carry out a project of this magnitude in the center of Madrid is something almost unusual, so it was an immediate 'yes I do' on our part”, when the architects who rehabilitated the floors of the building proposed it. “They had the courage and vision to turn the façade into something singular within the street”.

And he liked it. Quite. “I think we come from so much negativity, fear and uncertainty, that the work has been a stick between the spokes of that wheel. It is a vital, colorful work on the street, which during these months has been a prohibited and 'dangerous' place. All the neighbors have embraced her in the same way that we have, in part I think because this situation has put us at a similar emotional point.

Boa Mistura intervention in Tetuan Madrid

Life and color in the streets

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