Don't feel guilty if you're not 'productive' during lockdown


Call me by your name

We don't have to be productive all the time

acknowledge it : you don't even want to do a live yoga class, cook that cake in the oven, change the decoration of your apartment, join the latest viral Instagram challenge, read the most existential book of your life, get a list with a thousand movies earrings or make video calls with people that, if it weren't for this situation, you could spend months without speaking. What is happening to us?

That we live in a hyperstimulated world and in which constantly our efficiency and labor and social involvement are being measured , being a reality that we have been dragging on our backs for years.

The problem comes when a state of alarm is declared in which, for the time being, most of us are forced to stay home for at least a month (and probably more). Let us stop to reflect on how we are carrying out this extraordinary situation: if we are doing what we really want or, if on the contrary, we are letting ourselves be carried away by the current of that noise called society.


During this confinement, many Instagram profiles or WhatsApp groups directly they offer us a long list of activities to do -as mentioned a few lines above- and, even, challenges have become fashionable in which we are encouraged to imitate celebrities and public figures in different challenges that they launch on their social networks.

“All this can motivate us and provide us with many ideas to not get bored and stay active . However, also can cause anxiety and frustration if we do not feel identified with said activities or, simply, because we don't feel like doing them ”, tells Anna Llebaria (Coach certified by the Spanish Association of Coaching).

Not all people are going to live in the same way this forty because not all of us have the same factors that condition our daily routine . “Each one of us is different and each person reacts to the same situation according to their own personality and experiences. It also has a lot to do how has the current moment impacted you : let us think that many people are suffering from the disease itself or have loved ones infected, hospitalized, or even lost them. That's why, no way to react is right or wrong . The important thing is that we know how to manage our own situation as best we can so that it does not negatively affect our well-being and emotional health," continues Llebaría.

Now we have more time available than we used to have to be in our usual home , which causes a Increased consumption of the Internet and social networks . “What happens is that the longer we are online, further increases our need to stay connected and, in turn, our dependence on networks . Studies show that such dependency produces anxiety and lowers our self-esteem, so we must be careful to make good use of the networks and avoid spending too much time on them”, says Anna Llebaría.

For her part, the communicator Alma Andrew -aka @soylaforte - states that “ hyperproductivity is what has become evident with this crisis. That he multitasking It is very good but it ends up plunging you into an anxiety of the ciborium. Life has locked us up at home and we go and fill every minute as if we were outside with our usual routine. And that cannot be.

That's just when it comes into play our guilt for not joining the hustle and bustle of social networks, what society dictates about how confinement should be experienced. “Guilt appears when what we think we should be doing conflicts with each other. with what we are actually doing . Be excessively self-demanding , self-imposed obligations and comparing ourselves with other people are the factors that cause this feeling of guilt”, indicates Anna.

Therefore it is vitally important listen to oneself Y be aware of our real needs . We must stop comparing ourselves with what others do and learn to be true to ourselves . Don't you feel like doing that yoga class that your friends attend every day or uploading that photo to stories with the new challenge on duty? So dont do it!


psychologist and sexologist Judith Widows She recalls that “Instagram can be a good tool to entertain yourself and stay in touch with family, friends, acquaintances, etc. But it is important to remember that only a part of reality is shown on the networks, the part that each one decides to show”.

Alma Andreu knows a lot about it: she combines as best she can her facet as a communicator in different media, with her Instagram profile that has more than 100,000 followers or her podcast 'My Neighborhood Patio' . “Instagram, like everything we see through a screen, it is interesting if each one filters it according to their experience , your social skills and your common sense. Nothing we see, neither on the networks nor in the media is 100% real, so I think that now, just like before, we must give social networks the importance (and time) just Alma suggests.


Let's give social networks the importance and the right time

“I quite differentiate the character that La Forte has from the character that Alma has. My work and personal life are mixed but not hectic . It seems that I tell a lot but obviously I don't transmit even 5% of my personal life. Many times, I interact with the public when I'm knackered and I say it openly; other times, I dress up as the character and do my job,” she continues.

Conclusion: we also need room for procrastination.


“During these weeks all kinds of thoughts can arise and generate various emotions. Feelings like sadness, rage, fear, or anger , they can appear and nothing happens, it is healthy to express them. It's okay to serve them and leave them a space to go out . The important thing is not to stay there, if we let them pass, we are also letting them go”, says Judith Viudes.

As Anna Llebaría suggests: “The best antidote to guilt is to accept the situation and take responsibility for what is in your hands to do, Instead of getting locked into what you can't change”.

It may be a good time to stop and think about what we can truly fill our daily voids in which we would normally be away from home. But we must do it because we really WANT TO DO IT Not because no one tells us. Much less should we share it on Instagram if we don't feel like it. No one has to know what you spend your time on, if it's only yours . Put guilt aside and start living your confinement as you really want to live it.

"Actually, I think this quarantine is a time to stop and check ourselves inside . To do a forced STOP and stop organizing schedules and calendars three months ahead. One thing is to buy some flights for the holidays and another thing is to give appointments to your friends for five weeks. So yes, DO NOTHING this quarantine should be the mood ”, indicates Alma Andreu.


For many people, this critical situation can generate such concern that they do not feel strong enough to do any activity. And that is totally legal. . However, from what the authorities say, it seems that this confinement is going to last longer than initially planned, so it is important that let us be alert not to remain too passive if we do not want to fall into dynamics that negatively affect our physical and mental health.

Love Actually

We must be alert and not fall into extremes

And that is why it is equally valid Motivate yourself to do tasks and start pending projects or resume hobbies that we have put aside. And just as lawful is to stop and relax, reflect and do nothing. Precisely in this situation of isolation there is time for everything . The important thing is not to stagnate for long periods on one side or the other: that is, you have to avoid staying at the extremes”, says Judith Viudes.

In spite of everything, it is recommended during this quarantine to comply with a minimum that could be summarized in the following premises:

  • ** Let's continue to watch over our physical and emotional health. **

  • fix us new routines and schedules adapted to our new reality that will help us maintain balance.

-Be patient with the situation, stay calm and follow the recommendations of the authorities.

  • Being compassionate and empathic with those with whom we live , especially with the smallest and the oldest (the most vulnerable in this situation).

  • Differentiate between our weekday and weekend routines , more flexible schedules and with more relaxed activities so as not to feel that we live in a constant groundhog day.

  • Allocate time for leisure, procrastination and physical exercise.

  • Say goodbye to FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) to make way for JOMO (The Join Of Missing Out).

  • how not, carry out daily hygiene and care routines . And take off your pajamas when you get up!

  • when we get bored, we will let our creativity return and it is precisely then that the best ideas arise.

  • Reflect on the world we want to return to once all this is over, because it will happen . It's up to us to go back to before or fight to try to change things.

  • And finally and almost the most important: prioritize what is really valuable in this life . The blessed COVID-19 is teaching us to value and appreciate more what until now we took for granted: health, family, friends, time or freedom . Let's not forget about it when we go back outside and conquer the streets again!

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