A book collects the best infographics of 'National Geographic'


Floral wealth of the planet

Floral wealth of the planet

Inspire, enlighten, teach ” is the mantra of this magazine. In this book of 480 pages you will be able to look at the origins of the statues of Easter Island, the anatomy of the cheetah and the secrets of its speed, the evolution of the dinosaurs on the planet... The 128-year history of this publication is reflected in seven sections: History, The planet, Human beings, The animal world, The plant kingdom, Science and technology Y Space.

You will also find five foldouts that honor the original inserts and inserts that accompanied the magazine. This book will be available from April, check the details here.

How killer whales hunt

How killer whales hunt

Expeditions of the National Geographic Society

National Geographic Society Expeditions

Cleopatra's Alexandria

Cleopatra's Alexandria

The wealth of the Amazon

The wealth of the Amazon

Dinosaurs, what do we know about them?

Dinosaurs: what do we know about them?

'National Geographic Infographics' by Julius Wiedemann

'National Geographic Infographics', by Julius Wiedemann

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