Lorca Year 2019: Madrid celebrates the poet from Granada


Lorca Year 2019 Madrid celebrates the poet from Granada

Statue of Lorca in Plaza Santa Ana in Madrid

** Federico García Lorca and Madrid fed each other ** The city saw him publicly consecrate himself and he gave samples of his talent in the form of Gatherings at the Café Gijón, conferences at the Lyceum Club and the Residencia de Señoritas or theatrical premieres that led to the stages of the Spanish Theater La zapatera prodigiosa and Yerma.

A win-win that we would say now, but not 100 years ago, when in the spring of 1919 the poet from Granada arrived in Madrid to get a place in the Student Residence.

Precisely, this event is what the Community of Madrid wants to celebrate with its Lorca Year 2019 that even next November 30 will deploy a comprehensive program of cultural activities around his artistic universe. Take out agendas that are coming conferences, theater, concerts and exhibitions.

There will be many main courses, each one in his discipline, although, without a doubt, the International Congress that will gather great experts from all over the world in the Lorca universe It promises to attract many glances. will start the 18th of February and will consist of 16 conferences distributed over six different days and located in places linked to the artist's work, such as the Sabatini Auditorium, the Spanish Theatre, the Complutense University Historical Assembly Hall, the Student Residence, the Royal Post Office and the Canal Theatres.

The tables of main theaters in Madrid They will also honor Lorca. Thus, the Canal Theaters will be the setting for a Lorca marathon that will take place on May 3, 4 and 5 between noon and midnight. Total, 12 works among which titles such as This is not the house of Bernarda Alba; Love of Don Perlimplín with Belisa in his garden or Dark Love. For its part, in the Spanish Theater will be represented The Untitled Comedy. The dream of life , an unfinished work by Lorca that the Community of Madrid commissioned Alberto Conejero to finish _(from January 17 to February 24) _.

Music will join the Lorca Year 2019 with the cycle Goblin's game and theory , which will be scheduled under the International Festival of Sacred Art and will consist of eight concerts with the voices of María José Llego, Paco Ibáñez, Rafael de Utrera or María Toledo _(between March 7 to April 13, 2019) _.

In addition, the cultural events that take place during the next year will revolve around the figure of Lorca or will have spaces dedicated to him. Such is the case of the Night of the Theaters _(March 30th) _, night of the books _(April 19th) _, fall festival _(from November 15 to December 1) _, theater _(from March 8 to 31) _, Madrid in Dance _(from December 3 to December 29) _, Flemish sum _(June 5-13) _ or the annual series of conferences Women in the Arts , in which the female characters in the work of García Lorca _(March 2019) _ will be addressed.

You can check all the activities on the Lorca Year 2019 website.

Lorca Year 2019 Madrid celebrates the poet from Granada

Federico García Lorca in a file image

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