North Maldives: surfing was this


A complete guide between breakers and tongues of sand

A complete guide between breakers and tongues of sand

Maldives It is the jewel in the heart of the Indian Ocean, where some 26 atolls and some 1,200 islands take refuge... and their infinite waves . We are not going to reflect white sand beaches with palm trees, calm lagoons, manta rays and colorful fish in turquoise waters... We go in search of waves from the capital, Malé.

Its climate is tropical and the temperature of the water is incomparable. Forget neoprene , just a swimsuit and a t-shirt to cool off. The waves are fine, clean and perfect. The trip is simple with a simple stopover in an Arab country and direct to Malé. There you will be an hour away from all those waves you dream of.

This is how you surf in the Maldives

This is how you surf in the Maldives


There are several options to stay in the paradise of north maldivian waves : one, on land, in a surf camp or resort ; the other, by boat. ** Max Surfaris **, a company specialized in boats, is perfect to have your own boat with friends. The good thing about this second option is simple: being able to surf where you want, when you want and in all the spots (except the private ones). Surf, eat and sleep, ¿and diving= The perfect plan.

The boat your best ally

The boat, your best ally

The best time to surf in Male it is from the beginning of April to the end of October , being the months of our summer the best in terms of wave frequency.

Let's go with a quick review of the best waves from the atolls north of the Maldivian capital:

Jails: one of the highest quality and the first you find from the airport. A very maneuverable fast right . The wave is long and perfect, a candy. In front of you is the ** Surf Camp Mango ** run by Spaniards.

Surf Camp Mango

A perfect surf camp to 'maldivear'

Honky's: It is a very long and somewhat capricious left. It is affected by various currents and has three sections. The take off and the first section is smooth but they don't all go in place. The second section is folded, repositioned and a very vertical wall is placed that increases in size as it borders the island in the shape of a horseshoe. Some tube can square you before the last section which is the smoothest reaching the beach, ideal for turning and getting an idea of ​​the great comeback that awaits you.

Sultans: the most consistent waves, without a doubt. A noble right that opens smoothly across the bay to the reef . At times they overlap all the sections and it becomes a very long one. With little swell it is full of people (It is a sure bet of consistency) and if it gets big it can take it all.

Doesn't it inspire you

Doesn't it inspire you?

Pasta Point : left fancy in a fancy resort , one of the best waves with some of the most exclusive facilities. With immediate access to Sultans and Honkey's. Without a doubt, ** Cinnamon Dhonveli **, the best choice on land.

Lohis: This is a perfect private left for only 45 surfers who are staying at the Hudhuranfushi Resort. The wave is long and consistent, with good sections for all levels.

Cinnamon Dhonveli

Without a doubt, the best option to stay on land

Cokes: possibly the most technical and powerful wave in the area . Fast right and pipe, with shallow depth and fast sections. A quick take off and into the tube. It is important to choose the waves well, many close. The wave is located on the island with the most life in the area. In addition to the Coca-Cola factory (hence the name), there are several surf camps , shops and a hotel . Without a doubt, the best option to be on land without leaving all your assets in the Maldives.

Chickens: the best left for all audiences. It is a very long wave with different sections. Enter series inserted that are eating the coral and other more open series that offer you a second tubera and dry section to enjoy a little more at the elbow. In front of the wave there is a huge island to walk and lose yourself an afternoon. Being able to stay in front of the point and see the wave from land.

The Maldives Islands are a luxury in all aspects. For intermediate level surfers to the most expert. Perhaps the destination for beginner surfers on certain days is something powerful . The reef is not very dangerous, compared to other paradisiacal destinations. So now you know, your most exclusive trip is at your fingertips. See you in Maldives.

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