Noah's Train, one of the longest works of art in the world, is already in Madrid


do we save the planet

Do we save the planet?

The one that presumes to be one of the longest works of art in the world. The noah train , intended for the transport of goods, has today reached Madrid where will it stay until September 10 , with a single objective: to raise awareness about the impact of transportation in the environment.

The train has been baptized in tribute to Noah's Ark , the savior boat of all animal species during the Universal Flood. This symbolism relates the biblical account with the importance of protecting the planet , given the current situation of environmental crisis.

Attention passengers next station ¡Madrid

Attention passengers: next station, Madrid!

Promoted by the European Alliance Rail Freight Forward **(RFF) ** and transported by Renfe Merchandise , Noah's Train has been decorated with spectacular animal motifs , work of reputed urban artists of the countries involved in the action. These drawings can be seen during the open days that will take place during these five days.

In addition, visitors will be able to see how two of the containers are painted by the Spaniards Sabek and Piro , who have wanted to be part of this great initiative. Once you have finished your stay in Madrid, the train will leave for Barcelona , where, from September 13th , will fill with curious France station.

This campaign -which has had the collaboration of Transfesa Logistics and Captrain Spain- aims to draw attention to the need to **modify the share of freight transport by rail in Europe**, achieving an increase of 18% by 30% by 2030 and thus reduce the environmental footprint.

Also go through Barcelona

It will also pass through Barcelona

Noah's Train was launched in mid-December on the United Nations Climate Change Conference , which this year has as its headquarters the Polish city of Katowice , where it began its route loaded with the containers provided by the member countries of the organization.

** Vienna , Berlin , Paris , Brussels , Rome , Munich and Luxembourg ** have been some of the stops on his journey through Europe. **The trip will conclude next fall, when RFF sends a container to Chile **, where the next UN Climate Conference (COP25) will be held.

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