Connect with nature: 10 autumn plans in Europe that you cannot miss


walks for this fall

walks for this fall

The great tourist routes calm down and the locals enjoy their leisure without sharing the square meter with a bunch of souls eager to immortalize in their photos the calm that they do not find in their crowded reality.

It is time to reconnect with nature, to gather strength for the winter nights , of taking long walks through the woods and looking at the world from the top of a peak. We propose 10 essential European autumn plans, so you don't lack ground under your feet and enter autumn through the front door.


It is harvest time and wine lovers are impatiently awaiting the opinion of the harvest. The whole of Europe shudders at the constant murmur of pressed grapes -Who hasn't ever been to the grape harvest in his town, or in a friend's town? -But we recommend a different and barely explored route. A tour of the best vineyards in Piedmont, so you can discover on a walk how the jewel in the Italian crown was born when it comes to wines: the velvety and powerful Barolo. Tour the 11 medieval villages who celebrate this festival camouflaged among the undulating hills of this privileged corner. They are friendly routes, not at all demanding, perfect for enjoying the scenery and entering any of the many family-owned wineries that populate the region without an appointment. Enjoy the harvest festival and don't forget to try the best seasonal products: the fragrant white truffle, hazelnuts and cheeses.

Piedmont vineyards

Piedmont vineyards


The forests are especially generous in autumn. Together with the beauty of its endless chromatic palette walks its very wide gastronomic offer, in many cases free and within reach. And from experience, there is nothing more pleasant than collect without measure and almost without effort getting warm along the way.

If you like chestnuts, you can't miss a visit to the Cevennes National Park, very close to Montpellier. A wild and hardly traveled natural extension where you can enjoy nature less disturbed by man. Do not stop being amazed by its vulture nests or miss its valleys of medieval towns, frozen in time. But certainly do not go home without a good bag of chestnuts. If you want to try their specialties in a homely and cozy atmosphere, choose a table at the Hotel Balme, you will leave more than satisfied and, if you like to cook, with a couple of infallible recipes.

Cevennes chestnut binge

Cevennes: chestnut binge


Sabina already said it, we will always have mushrooms in autumn. It is true, but it is not an isolated pleasure. Between the cities of Florence and Bologna stretch in all its splendor the lush forests of the Apennines . Here you will enjoy the most coveted mushrooms thanks to the many mycological tours that the region offers. Important notice: go accompanied if you can, get advice until you are more than sure of what you take or simply have a lot of faith in the benefits of the afterlife. But also these forests of almost unreal beauty will multiply your list of adjectives when you discover that you still did not know all the shades of green and brown. Take a deep breath and treasure the air that runs through your lungs, it is the connection you were looking for. For less mystical pleasures, do not hesitate to bet on its restaurants, its powerful gastronomy will be the best excuse for you to continue walking.


Grindelwald is one of those Swiss towns that seem painted on the horizon , of those that you have surely seen in a painting of a museum dedicated to landscaping. Discovered to the rest of the world thanks to the first English climbers at the end of the eighteenth century, today it is a paradise for mountain lovers. Calm and welcoming, dodged by the rush, but tremendously cosmopolitan and organized, capable of perfectly satisfying all your cravings for outdoor activities. We propose an essential route: the one that runs Öpfelchüechliwäg, a wonderful trail that will take you through lush green pastures and fairytale forests. In the end you will be so satisfied that you will not care about the calories of the Öpfelchüechli the typical fried apple dessert that will be served to you with a big smile in the Brandegg mountain restaurant. Because you worth it.

Grindelwald how to lose your fear of heights

Grindelwald: How to lose your fear of heights


If your way of recharging your batteries has more to do with urban pleasures, that is, if you like nature to be there, but there on the horizon, and despite everything you want to get out of the noise of the city, don't miss the Birgufest, on the evocative Island of Malta. Between October 11 and 13, the entire medieval city of Vittoriosa, Birgu, is decked out and prepared to highlight its artistic beauty. The objective is to highlight the historical richness of the enclave and to prove it you will be able to access a good handful of monuments and churches. But without a doubt the most intoxicating experience will be walking aimlessly through its candlelit streets while the music weaves this moment into your list of unforgettable memories.


And do it in style. Rent a small country house -in the pages of slow travel you will find attractive and affordable proposals- and let yourself be captivated by the magic of its endless fields full of cypresses and olive trees. You are late for the poppies, but don't worry, you will constantly find them in all the merchandising in the area, which curiously, has not gone with the tourists. Of course, you will be able to enjoy in silence and almost alone its eternal sunsets, the fragrance of its fields and the hospitality of its people, delighted to be heard after so many weeks of noise. Be sure to visit a winery, don't forget to have an aperitif in Arezzo and come home with the most colorful watercolor you can find, it will give you energy throughout the winter.

Don't forget to have an aperitif in Arezzo

Don't forget to have an aperitif in Arezzo


The mythical Provence, whose name exudes the aroma of lavender, no matter the season, has much more charm without traffic jams. Infinitely more. That is why it is good that you discover it in autumn, when the locals celebrate with pleasure their most famous festivals. At this time everyone is in a good mood and will make your stay unforgettable. To kick it with desire bet on the area closest to the Alps and set up base camp in the small town of Digne. From there you can access almost 40 possible and highly recommended routes to reconnect with your most natural and primitive side.

La Bastide de Marie a reason to go to Provence

La Bastide de Marie: a reason to go to Provence


Stourhead National Park , perfect for enjoying long autumn walks among ancient oak trees, it will surprise you with its warm colours. A contrast of reds, oranges, yellows and golds in a land where green always rules. If laziness attacks you, rest on the shores of its lake and let the water calm your senses, if you are looking for sophistication, do not miss visiting its impressive collection of 18th-century gardens , one of the best in the world and undoubtedly a good example of combining the art of man with the work of nature.

There is nothing better than a good garden in autumn

There is nothing better than a good garden in autumn


Get ready to make your retinas happy. The natural beauty of the Plitvice Lakes National Park, halfway between Zagreb and the Adriatic Coast, in the Lika region, is one of the most explosive natural spectacles you can imagine . 30,000 hectares of park, 22,000 occupied by dense forests of enigmatic beauty. Perfect if you like to hear the crunch of your footsteps on dry leaves. A tour that through fairytale paths, small wooden bridges and silent boats will show you all the splendor of its 92 waterfalls and waterfalls . A whim of nature that will not leave you indifferent.

Plitvice explosive nature

Plitvice: explosive nature


You can complete your crockery with dreamlike crystal creations, but first you should take a good walk through its forests. The coquettish region of Bohemia is surrounded by mountains , protected by its famous forest of the same name, a natural border between the Czech Republic, Austria and Germany. More than 100 square kilometers where you can enjoy nature by bike or on foot. Let the fresh autumn breeze renew you inside and fill you with good vibes. And if you want to learn more about what life is like in the forest, don't miss the podhura route , you will find information panels every so often and you will return home with more active neurons.

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