This puppy travels more -and better- than you


Crusoe is a lover of the good life

Crusoe is a lover of the good life

there is already two and a half million internet users who have joined the ranks of Crusoe, "The dachshund who thinks he's more famous than he really is." Although, well, that motto made sense before. Today, six years after he began his career to stardom, with a published book (which slipped into "the best seller" of the animal world, according to New York Times ) and another about to leave, one could say that he is at least as celebrity as he seems.

"I didn't keep Crusoe with the intention of making him a celebrity. In fact, it was when he was one year when it occurred to me to start **a blog and a Facebook page** about him, for which I started take photos and to write stories to accompany them. At first it was just a hobby, a little outlet for my creativity, but it started to grow and grow, and like three years later, we were offered a publishing deal. After that, we went up pretty fast, and take care of your promotion It is my main job today, "explains Ryan, one of the owners of it together with his partner, Lauren.

But who's to blame for that a miniature dachshund , similar to any other -although "especially muscular" , according to many of the veterinarians who have treated him- achieved world fame? "I think there are several reasons for people to follow Crusoe," says Crusoe's caretaker. "To get started, I make all the costumes myself , so all he wears is original and unique , and the videos we make with them on have become super popular. The most famous is one in which Crusoe appears playing in the rain with a tailored raincoat and umbrella; it has over 64 million views! Also, I think another very important factor is that Crusoe's personality filters through the texts. The character I give it, although exaggerated, is definitely based on your personality . I think a lot of people see their own dog in them."

Definitively, the suits that Crusoe wears are of the best things that have happened lately on the internet . "I make them from scratch, or modify some existing items. We always get asked about our costumes, and we're already working on **getting a little line out for sale**," says Ryan, the big man behind the big dog.

However, don't think that just by dressing up to the nines, your furry can emulate the success of Crusoe: you also need that he travels a lot and is photographed like a rockstar. According to Ryan: " Crusoe has traveled quite a bit! He has been through it all United States and Canada during his book launch tour; he has sailed in the Bahamas ; he has been in St. Lucia , in the Caribbean, and in Europe, he has visited France, Italy, Switzerland and Germany ".

With so much experience, we asked Ryan to advise us what is The most important thing when traveling with pets: "The first thing is check import requirements that there is from where you leave and to where you go. Make sure your dog fits in a handbag of those that are carried in the cabin, so that it does not go in the hold -unless this is absolutely necessary-. Also be sure to call and reserve a place for your best friend on the flight, since it generally cannot be done online, and remember that most companies allow a maximum of two dogs per flight either".

Crusoe's next book, in fact, will be based on his adventures around the world: "It is rather a travel book, in which we talk about everyone the destinations which I've already covered - plus two surprises we're saving for ourselves! - but it also recounts some of the tribulations Crusoe has endured at home while he **had surgery last year**," says Ryan, alluding to the intervertebral disc disease (EDIV) that the nice dog faced. This ailment is very common in the breed due to its long back , and occurs when a disc between the bones of the spine ruptures and compresses the spinal cord . "Will be so funny and wacky as can be expected, but will also possess some parts more intimate Ryan sums it up. I'm sure Crusoe fans will love it!

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