These are the 50 projects that will change the New York skyline


Buildings that in the not too distant future will change the urban planning of the city

Buildings that, in the not too distant future, will change the urban planning of the city

We know that New York it is a living entity, a city with its own personality that, like a human, grows, reproduces and never dies (perhaps some neighborhoods only to revive others, like an unstoppable spider's web). as the post says "Starchitecture is alive and well in New York City" , referring to those big names in architecture that, year after year, set their sights on the Big Apple to project their new ideas.

Thus, on the map we will find buildings (ordered alphabetically by their project nomenclature) that are in the pre-construction phase or that are not yet finished (that is why you will notice the lack of Calatrava's Oculus, which we told you about recently). And now you only have one step left: navigate the future New York and accumulate that immense desire to return, always return, to the city.

We highlight some of the projects that, why not, we would like to see more in the city, will you join us?

The Shed Cultural Center

The Shed Cultural Center (opening 2019)

MoMA Expansion

MoMA Expansion

Vessel Hudson Yards Central Facility

Vessel, the central facility of Hudson Yards

Thomas Heatherwick

pier 55

The Spiral the Hudson Yards skyscraper

The Spiral, the Hudson Yards skyscraper

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