Mornings in Lines: poetry is in the streets... of Madrid


If you walk through Malasaña or El Rastro, you may come across Mañanas en Renglones

If you walk through Malasaña or El Rastro you may come across Mañanas en Renglones

Paul Urizal he is 21 and was born in Madrid. Beside him, on a sidewalk stool, he sits Natalia Peluso 20 years old and born in Luján, Buenos Aires (although she has spent half her life in Torrevieja). She is a singer-songwriter, he has published the collection of poems The Red Thread and they both study Physical Theater.

His base is in Alcorcón (“we have been sharing life and adventures in Madrid for just a year”) but if you walk through the center of the city you can cross his fingers ready to give you a poem of his own free will. “You can find us every Sunday in the Plaza del Cascorro in the Rastro, in front of the great musicians Jingle Django; the rest of the week we move between the Paseo de las Barquillas del Retiro, the Plaza de San Idelfonso in Tribunal... in those places time stops, there is no rush; anywhere people walk with good energy"-he explains-"commercial areas give off violent energies, that's why we run away from them”.

Natalia Peluso in The Retreat

Natalia Peluso in The Retreat


Clack, clack-clack-clack-clack-, clack, clack ... Do you hear it? His poems mix with the soundtrack of the city. “We never abandon our machines (we started with one and in just three months we already had five behind us, this is starting to be a vice ), we can never leave the tables and the props that characterize us at home, we could not write without our music, the incense...”, describes Pablo Urizal.

Curious, nostalgic and hipsters come to his table. How does it work? Each person proposes a theme and they create a poem by flying the pen. For Urizal the best thing is that “ there are poems that connect with the heart of the person who asks for it and that is magical ”. Do you remember any specific moment? Urizal has no doubts: “one day, in El Rastro, a couple asked us for a farewell poem for a good friend of his, a person who was very ill and unfortunately, his life expectancy was not more than a month, that connection with the life of that couple, their friendship and his feelings was truly strong In memory of the bicycle ”.

We already have five behind us this is beginning to be a vice

"We already have five behind us, this is beginning to be a vice"


Working on the street is an adventure. “One day on Preciados street, a couple of North American boys approached us they had visited Valencia to party at the Fallas and they were shocked to see a giant image of a burning grandmother; that was the title of his poem granny on fire ”, he explains.

Is more poetry needed in the street? “ More love is needed in Madrid, more calm and more sincerity , we should never close the door to sensations, and even less so if they are born through sincere words”, he assures.


Via Facebook at Mornings in Lines, Poetry or on his Instagram @enlines : “There we love to let you know where we will be, even so there is never anything like listening to the murmurs of the city, many times the crowd shouts at us in whispers ”, says Pablo Urizal.

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Paul Urizal

Paul Urizal

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