hostels with ghosts


Sigüenza Parador

The ghost of the young queen Doña Blanca walks through the corridors of the Parador de Sigüenza.

The stones of the inns speak and tell ancestral stories that manage to give us goosebumps. Screams, whispers and sobs are heard in the most closed nights of the old fortifications. Shadows that disappear before the eyes of the guests. We discover the most chilling stories included in ** "Leyendas de Paradores" **, published by the journalist Felipe Alonso and with illustrations by Alfredo.

Parador Dukes of Cardona **(Barcelona, ​​4 stars, HD €197) **

The room 712 The Parador Duques de Cardona hosts a very special guest: the specter of a young christian . It is about Adalés, the daughter of Viscount Raimón Folch, who fell in love with a Muslim and was sentenced by her father to live locked up in the minyona tower where she died of grief. Since then, the young woman has been wandering around the tower of this 9th-century medieval castle.

Those staying in the nearby rooms claim to have heard noises and voices coming from 712, always in times when this room is empty . At the time of the transformation of the castle into a Parador, the workers who worked there in 1976 stopped more than once, frightened by the presence of a ghost. The appearance of a maiden wailing between sobs, dressed in medieval clothes and accompanied by a knight. Inexplicable noises, voices, blows..., which always came from the vicinity of the Minyona Tower. And the most curious thing was what happened to the dog that accompanied the guard during the works. The animal refused to pass through the area, standing still and pulling its owner to go in another direction.

Castle of Santa Catalina Parador **(Jaen, 4 stars, SA €90) **

Another spirit runs through the place that the Parador de Jaén occupies today, on the Santa Catalina hill. Between moans and cries, A young Moorish woman walks along the walls of this 13th-century Moorish fortress.

Legend has it that Constable Iranzo fell in love with a Moorish woman with whom he married. As the fighting against the Muslims continued in Andalusia, the constable had to go to war one day, and that gap was taken advantage of by the most intransigent inhabitants of Jaén to storm the castle, arrest the woman and kill her by burning her at the stake despite be pregnant. It is said that when in certain rooms of the Parador a person tries to make a portrait of his or her loved one, a shadow intervenes avoiding it, and that then the furniture in the room moves and agitate without just cause.

** Parador Palacio Ducal de Eguilior (Cantabria, 4 stars,** **SA 80 € ** **) **

In the 20th century palace which today occupies the Parador de clean , sometimes you can see shadows that run through their gardens or corridors. The works to convert this palace into a hotel establishment were on the verge of not being completed due to the presence of strange entities observed by the workers. Studies by specialists in parapsychology showed that the spirit of a 28-year-old woman who died more than a hundred , niece of the Count of Albox.

Parador de Cceres

A shadow wanders around the Torreorgaz Palace (Cáceres).

The Parador Palace of Torreorgaz (Caceres, 4 stars, **HD 130€ ** **) **

Year after year, during the night of Saint George, a shadow wanders around the Palace built on some Arab rooms in the fourteenth century. The spirit wails bitterly, disappearing if anyone approaches and leaving behind a trail of sobs. It is about the sad Muslim princess who decided to give her heart to a Christian captain , in addition to the keys that allowed Alfonso IX's troops to enter Cáceres.

For her betrayal the princess was cursed by her father, who was her sorcerer, who turned her into a chicken and forced her to wander eternally through the streets of the city. Every April 23, the date of the fall of Cáceres, the shadow of a chicken that takes the form of a woman walks through the streets of Cáceres near the Palacio de Torreorgaz, lamenting its misfortune, before disappearing again in the form of that bird.

Hotel Principe de Viana (Olite-Navarra, 3 stars, **HD 110€ ** **) **

The one known as Golden Gallery of the palace-castle of Olite , from the 15th century, is a mysterious place where noises, laments, music and melodies from other times can be heard. They say that several spirits populate the castle and walk every night through its towers and rooms. Among them, the specter of King Carlos III the Noble of Navarre stands out, accompanied by his lion Marzot. Known by the nickname of the New Solomon, the monarch transformed the castle courtyards into landscaped areas with various types of animals: squirrels, fallow deer, wild boars, wolves and even lions. Of the latter, his favorite was Marzot.

Along with the specters, he is heard at nightfall endless sounds of animals and a strange music . Legend has it that it is the one that was played in the time of Charles the Noble, using copper sheets of different sizes and thicknesses that hung from fine chains hanging from the ceiling of different rooms and that vibrated in the wind.

Sigüenza Castle Parador (Guadalajara, 4 stars, SA 148 **€ ** **) **

The 12th-century medieval castle that houses the Parador also has its own spirit. Its about " ghost of Dona Blanca ”, daughter of Pedro I, Duke of Bourbon, and niece of the King of France, Carlos IV El Hermoso. More than one person claims to have felt a strange presence. Others say they have seen a kind of nebula in the shape of a woman that floats in the air and runs through the corridors of the castle at night.

Mrs. White she was barely fifteen years old when she arrived at the court of Castilla y León to be queen. It was the year 1353 and her presence was destined to culminate the alliance of Castile and France, through her marriage to Pedro I, king of Castile and León. The wedding was celebrated immediately, but on the second day, and they say that without the marriage being consummated, the King repudiated her, locking her up as queen in the Castle of the Bishop of Sigüenza. From there she went to the Torre del Alcázar de Medina Sidonia, in 1361. And shortly after, she was killed by a crossbow shot on the orders of her husband , although there is another version that states that she was poisoned.

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