Steller, the definitive app to tell the story behind each trip


What matters is not where you go but what happened when you went

What matters is not where you go, but what happened when you went

Just him, always entangled in some kind of climbing activity with dazzling results , shows his Yosemite mountains climb in two volumes (here is the first and here the second). In them he teaches the progression of the trip (take off of the plane, wounds on the hands , sunsets on the summit...) in images that he accompanies with texts with his impressions and thoughts.

The presentation in the form of a book tries to bring the viewer closer to the analog or, in addition to being the very effective method to provide internal coherence to the story. "It was love at first sight," says ** Giuseppe Zizza , an Italian photographer who is crazy about this tool.** "Most of the time, one photo is not enough to tell a story. You have to show more to describe what happened or what you felt. With Steller you can do it, also adding videos and words and thus adding the potential of three different media in a single story ".

However, his booklike appearance is not the only way the minds behind Steller try to get closer to the real world. Thus, one of the pillars of it is to get people to establish virtual communities around a common theme or hobby and that these finally become communities of flesh and blood people. The first part seems to be successful, since Giussepe himself knew the social network thanks to a core of fans that they also publish on Instagram, and as soon as the Alpha version for Android came out, two months ago, it ran to be one of the first testators.

In this "out" process, the stellermeets, meetings organized by users - and sometimes promoted by the company - are vital. They usually take place in national parks and points of artistic or architectural significance in places like New York, Vienna and Chicago, and the company hopes that, in the future, they will also be held jam sessions, skate hangouts or even pop-up restaurant openings.

Precisely from Chicago is John Stoffer, another high-flying photographer who also summarizes his city and his travels in Steller (and in this interview). However, a rather curious feature of the network is that it has a high Asian presence, especially from places that do not usually make much noise in the media, such as Indonesia. Ahmad Syukaery is from there, a tireless traveler who He loves capturing landscapes, people and cultures. With those objects of desire, snapshots of him have appeared in magazines like Lonely Planet.

"I started using Steller this April, when it was released on the Indonesian App Store. Some users in the country were putting it through the clouds, so i decided to try it. In nothing, my publications were included in the Editor's Pick ", says the photographer. In fact, this feature - similar to that of ** VSCO Cam , another very interesting photo app for those who travel ** -, which makes the featured posts when opening the application always the chosen by a group of experts , is a positive asset for users like Giusseppe.

"It is difficult to predict the future of Steller. When Instagram appeared, for example, there was nothing similar on the market. , but today there are many different sharing platforms, and Instagram is still there, as solid as a rock. Nevertheless, Steller has great potential, and stands apart from the rest. I, for example, greatly appreciate the daily work of editors, who try to choose interesting stories and highlight them. With this feature and the ones I mentioned before, I think if the people in the company continue to believe in their product, could grow very quickly ", predicts the artist.

Another feature that makes it special in Ahmad's eyes is the ease of using it and being able to share your work : "The app is very intuitive, and visually it is a delight . Also, share my stories on other social networks It runs smoothly , and that helps me incorporate them into my portfolio," he says.

Perhaps that is one of the functions that led Apple to name it one of the best apps of 2014 ; Since then, Steller has come a long way, and it seems that he still has a lot more to go: " There are already several top writers and photographers in Indonesia joining and sharing their stories; despite it costs much more effort to put together a good story with this tool than uploading a simple photo to Instagram, the results are much more interesting. I hope that Steller does not lose momentum, it is a great app to navigate every day on the way to work Ahmed concludes.

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