Malallama, the rogue restaurant in Malaga


Malallama's Carabinero X

Malallama's Carabinero X

In flame one travels through the cuisine of the world with the personal touch of the young chef Christopher Garcia. Informal haute cuisine with which you will suck your fingers.

"Do you want to play?", It is the first thing Cristóbal García asks you when you sit down at one of his tables. The question implies much more than it seems. The positive answer (always say yes) becomes the key that opens a door to a world of sensations . A gastronomic journey full of childhood memories, experiences and travels. Also of extreme flavors to which the capital of the Costa del Sol she's not used to it yet. All this thanks to the cuisine that the Malaga chef himself calls radical. The menu is a journey where the chef guides you with passion, creativity and a certain irreverence. Don't mind: in Malallama Soul Food they know well what they do. Get comfortable, let yourself go and enjoy.

Black octopus ceviche from Malallama

Black octopus ceviche from Malallama

Trained at the Malaga school of The Consulate , Cristóbal García is the chef of a food house in the world. opened last April 9th , it is a place where haute cuisine does not imply formality in any way. Graffiti, a swing and trap nation remixes as background music attest to this. Also see the cook from one place to another encouraging the guests and recounting the stories behind each dish , always with his inseparable pen with which he jots down new ideas in a notebook that he shares with his head chef, Javier Ruiz . Both have 28 years , but his youth does not imply a lack of experience. The chef himself comes from being head of R&D for two years at ** Sollo **, in Fuengirola , directed by Diego Gallegos. Although the longest stage of his training was spent with Paco Morales (Noor, Córdoba), whom he admires and whom he considers himself a disciple of.

Team Flameflame

Malallama team (Cristóbal in the center and Javi to his right)

With all that background Garcia wants revolutionize Malaga gastronomy with its own kitchen seal, with a lot of character. Like the one he demonstrates by saying that he has his feet on the ground and a lot of patience to grow, but at the same time he proposes himself as the spearhead of a generational change that is yet to come in the kitchen of Malaga. One only has to look at his insultingly young team to feel that he still has a lot to say.

Behind the transparent windows of the kitchen, young people who seem to still be in high school strive and bring freshness to the kitchen. They are all in their early twenties and have already passed through Michelin star restaurants. "The only requirement for those who follow me is to enjoy what they do, laugh a lot, have a good time," explains the cook raised in the Malaga neighborhood of El Palo. The group also joins the twentysomething Mary Mustard , room manager and responsible for pairings with wines. They all work together and it is not difficult to see the chef himself peeling potatoes. And that these days live endless days while preparing a tasting menu for future dates.

From all that youthful passion arise recognizable dishes from different parts of the world but that in Malallama are taken to their own playing field . That way they make sure they always play at home. "The name reminds you of a place, but the elaborations they are different, very personal ", assures García. To verify it, all you have to do is ask for the Grilled baby octopus ceviche and huitlacoche in a taco or the Tuna sashimi with tomato, shark fin ponzu and orange muscatel , a dish that also includes avocado, olive tapenade Grandma's secret and spring onion rings . "It's about forgetting about trends and setting our own style," insists the chef. His touch is not only clear in the dishes, but also in the cocktails that here are proposed to pair from start to finish with your choices from the menu to enhance flavors and make the experience even more complete.

A kitchen of attitude and aptitude with flavor combinations like those found in the cow taco . An old cow stew cooked in a traditional way, to which they add a foie and mushroom xo, a cream of payoyo cheese and a sweet and sour pineapple sauce in syrup and truffle. A traditional Mexican taco but with different flavors.

It also highlights the asian curry . "We took advantage of a trip we made to Thailand, we tried curry everywhere and that helped us to choose the one that we liked the most," says the chef. It is a powerful dish where herbs and spices are mixed with ginger, galangal, roasted sweet potato, coriander, lime and shrimp bread. All served in a traditional wok so that the metal also contributes its notes.

Not forgetting the so-called Policeman X, prepared based on different elaborations with the product itself. On the one hand this dish includes the body in a hibiscus toast, criolla shrimp sauce and essence of shrimp with smoke oil, black lime and pineapple paper. On the other, the grilled head, with shrimp oil and garlic confit. "It's one more plate of sensations. One of the things that we believe is the carabinero's host is sucking heads. There are people who don't dare, but we almost oblige," Garcia points out.

Egg appetizer at Malallama

Egg appetizer at Malallama

And to finish, some of the desserts are not bad. One of them is called Donkey Kon g: based on banana and chocolate, it honors those sticks that we have all put in petit suis to freeze, and is served with a shot. And don't miss the contemporary pancake, based on a donut bathed in Asian meringue milk (with lime, Chinese cinnamon and Chinese anise) filled with dulce de leche mousse, sweet and sour heavenly bacon cream, caramel popcorn and stardust.


Because it is a unique restaurant in Malaga , with flavors difficult to find anywhere else in the capital or the province. And where getting your fingers dirty is not frowned upon but is almost an obligation. Despite being outside the historic center, it is a place that is going to become fashionable and the earlier you go, the easier it will be to reserve a table. Besides, it always comes in handy. support risky bets like the ones in this kit. The last answer you will get yourself at the end of your experience in Malallama: You will understand that you are going to repeat yes or yes.

Contemporary Torrija from Malallama

Contemporary Torrija from Malallama


In this restaurant, all the details are very well taken care of, from the beautiful crockery to the cutlery, which you will often replace with chopsticks or, directly, with your hands. In addition, it is a good corner to enjoy the good work of Malaga graffiti artist ** Lalone **, who has given a touch of personality to the establishment.


Address : Pacific Street, 38

Telephone : 674 67 00 60

Cocktails and drinks: Monday to Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.

Kitchen: from Monday to Sunday from 12:00 to 16:00 and from 19:00 to 00:00.

Malallama Restaurant

Malallama Restaurant

Malallama Asian Curry

Malallama Asian Curry

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