100% unusual places in the Basque Country


Do you know the enchanted forest of Otzarreta

Do you know the enchanted forest of Otzarreta?

The basque mountains they hide corners capable of taking your breath away. Its peaks, its fresh waters and its infinite forests offer panoramic views worthy of a postcard, natural wonders and remote locations suitable for the most ambitious film production. Can you come with us?

Our route begins in the region of enkarterri (Las Encartaciones), in the western part of Vizcaya. Specifically in the Carranza Valley , where we are going to discover the submerged Euskadi through the Cuevas de Pozalagua . They are made up of a single room of 125 meters long, 70 wide and 12 high , discovered by chance in 1957. Its greatest singularity is its eccentric stalactites, in whose forms we can imagine flowers, organs, elves or even Marijaia , the icon of the Bilbao Big Week.

following by enkarterri we visit the ** Montes de Hierro **, the mining heart of the Basque Country. The first thing we come across are its lakes, old excavations (such as the El Ostión or Las Cármenes wells) that have now been flooded with water. There are also the mines of Matamoros, Elvira, La Mamen or Cantera Macho : they all closed in 1986. The best way to explore this environment is through the Montes de Hierro Greenway.

The Three Crosses Viewpoint

The Three Crosses Viewpoint

We moved to the Urkiola Natural Park , located between the south east of Vizcaya and the north of Álava, in the center of Euskadi. From its sanctuary, surrounded by forests of beech, ash and birch, all the trails in the park start. If you have not come prepared for the mountain but want to enjoy spectacular views, we recommend that you go to the **Mirador de las Tres Cruces**, a bucolic walk through a beech forest where, after leaving behind the Hermitage of Santo Cristo , we will find a priceless overview of the Atxarte Gorge and the entire area Durangaldea.

If the heat accompanies (its waters are as cool as crystal clear) there is no better way to take it off than in the ** Cascada de Oromiño **. The residents of the Biscayan town of Iurreta nicknamed this pool **Pozubaltz (Poza Negra) ** due to its depth, which seemed to have no end. An idyllic and refreshing bath in the middle of a wild environment , alone with nature, whose greenery will make it seem that you are in the middle of the Amazon.

In the ** Gorbeia Natural Park ** you will find the enchanted forest of Otzarreta , whose beech trees grow in a capricious way since they stopped being pruned more than half a century ago, with their elongated branches seeking the sun's rays. As in Iraq , we may run into Basajaun (lord of the woods) walking among the eternal green of the moss of him. One of the most photographed places in the Basque Country.

Lovers of water sports and fresh water will have a wonderful time in the so-called Inland Sea of the Basque mountains, formed by three swamps: Albina, a haven of peace where you will hear the echo of your own breath; Urrunaga , ideal for fishing, with two recreational areas and Mount Gorbeia in the background; Y Ullibarri-Gamboa , the place to practice rowing, canoeing, windsurfing or paddle SUP, to account for its two beaches ( Landa and Garaio ) or stay at the hostel of the Zuaza Island.

The Inland Sea of ​​the Basque mountains hypnotizes

The Inland Sea of ​​the Basque mountains hypnotizes

Our adventure ends at ayala valley . First of all, to see with our own eyes the incomparable views that the ** Maroño Reservoir ** offers of the saw saved , with the panorama (which changes color depending on the season) reflected in its waters. The reservoir is ideal for sport fishing, and the optimal range for caving and bird watching.

We say goodbye to Euskadi in the jump of the nerve , which at 270 meters high is the highest waterfall on the peninsula. It is located in the natural monument of Monte Santiago (between Vizcaya and Burgos), and its spectacular nature increases even more during the rainy season or during the thaw. It may be the most impressive place on our route, which will surely leave us with a good taste in our mouths and the desire to return.

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