The letter with bread enters: bookstores that feed the spirit and the body


Madrid Mixed Sandwich

The letter, with bread enters (and much better)

Gone are the days when the phrase "the letter with blood enters" was still valid, a way of understanding the teaching represented, for example in a painting by Goya that is in the Museum of Zaragoza. Now, luckily, the times have changed, although there are other challenges. The imagination must be sharpened to the maximum so that the printed letter , whether in books, fanzines or magazines, arouse the interest of readers and these go to the bookstore eager for new stories . The bookstores cafe/bar They are already a classic all over the world... Now new formulas arrive.

Is about nourish the spirit through reading but also without forgetting feed the body , offering delicious food in picturesque, surprising or sophisticated settings.

Mix sandwich

Mixed Sandwich appetizer: talk and read


Find books and fanzines at a conventional market stall invites customers who are going to buy fruit or meat to turn their heads to complement their purchase. The promoters of the idea are Pedro del Diego , expert in gastronomy, and Virginia de Diego , who trained as a graphic designer, works as an artist with the Diego/Larred collective and publishes books and fanzines.

The germ of ** Sandwich Mixto ** arose from a trip to Holland in which she realized that innovation can come from mixing different activities and concepts. It is a position where the letters coexist naturally with the covers , the potato omelette, a delicious vegetable cake, coffee or wine. even dare to give concerts to liven up the weekend aperitif and are considered the cultural agitators of the Antón Martín market.

Madrid Mixed Sandwich

Fanzines and magazines while you eat and shop at the market


The passion of Juli Alvarez is the bread . After working for years in a bakery where he processed industrially, he decided to train with the aim of bake top quality bread . The result is ** Forn La Llibrería **, which he opened a year ago, and in which he has integrated another of his interests, that of books.

There are exquisite artisan breads cooked in his workshop, a range of organic and special breads , cocas and sweets, among which highlights the croissant . With a contemporary design, with a preponderance of white and simple lines, the textures and shapes of the bread are shown behind the glass cabinets.

One side of the wall reflects a low relief of book spines, as if it were a suggestive ghostly library. While the customer waits, he has, at his fingertips, a large bookshelf with bookcrossing books.

Forn The Bookstore

To the rich Catalan bread!

Forn The Bookstore

Hey! the books are real


The publisher of the kinfolk magazine is found in Portland , Oregon, in the United States, but it could be said that his origin and his homeland are In the net . It is an online and print publication, and its theme covers friendship and quality of life related to gastronomy. The texts are short and written in a simple and direct way, without great pretensions, with the aim of stimulating the enjoyment of the small pleasures of life.

They arrive in Madrid this March with the organization of biscuit, biscuit and cake workshops with wholemeal flours, in collaboration with ** My Blue Kitchen **. Again the letter, with good gastronomy, enters. Its dinners organized in different cities of the world are famous , and his blog, which recommends spaces, trips and places that strictly comply with the kinfolk philosophy : take your time, enjoy nature, reading, food and work. Of course, always respecting the bonds of friendship.

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