Of canes with Macarena Gómez


A cane and tapas in Madrid

One of cañas and tapas in Madrid

About to premiere the tenth season of the one that is coming , the play dance hidden profiles - directed and written by Nuria Garcia - and the movie skins , directed by Eduardo Casanova, the actress has made a stop along the way and has gone out with us.

But, With which of her characters would you go out for drinks? with Lola from the one that is coming or the little punk warm , the two are spontaneous, fun, crazy, they would start talking to everyone, we would have a great time”. And if he had to go out for tapas with a character from the Telecinco series, he has no doubts: “I would choose Maite, she is the funniest of all”. While in real life she usually shares many cañas with Ricardo Arroyo – her father-in-law in the one that is coming – Many of her dinners with her great friend Antonia San Juan and she would love to go out for tapas with Cameron Diaz.

With Macarena Gómez for Chamberí

With Macarena Gómez for Chamberí

Macarena lives between Madrid and Barcelona and she admits frequent the AVE bar more than any other bar in Spain . She defines herself as 'a restless ass', “it's hard for me to sit in front of a sofa, my conscience bothers me, for not doing something productive”, she clarifies. Even so, the actress has made room for us in her busy schedule to accompany us on the first stop of ' Neighborhoods to eat them ', a gastronomic week that has as subtitle ' Chamberí tastes like preserves, tastes like Mahou ' and in which the recipes made with preserves are recovered.

The actress, born in Cordoba and Madrid by adoption for 18 years, came to the city with a clear idea: live in the Chamberí neighborhood , because that is how her grandmother had done it on her day when she moved to Madrid to study. Perhaps for this reason, she loves 'cañear', since here is the street with the most bars in Spain: Ponzano. Because the custom of the ' #ponzaning ' comes from afar...

Lid Pinzano

Lid Pinzano

“This bar – House Fonzo , where we took the first one – it still maintains the characteristic tiles of yesteryear, what happens is that it has come off the image of the typical tavern with napkins and chopsticks on the floor , has a more modern air, and the covers too, have been adapting to the new times”.

With these words, Macarena explains how the concept of tapas has evolved in the neighbourhood, which is still a neighbourhood. “Here I am Macarena for everyone, I am not the actress of the one that is coming or that parades on the red carpet, I go unnoticed, I have my trusted haberdashery and the lifelong neighbor who stays with my child if I need it In this, Madrid is very similar to Córdoba”, she adds.

With Macarena Gómez for Chamberí

With Macarena Gómez for Chamberí

And her trusted bars? "I'm lovin 'it The cutting room It is difficult to find a place, but I go as often as I can, they do some spectacular things. Then I usually go to the one in front, mutate , which changes its gastronomic offer several times throughout the year, and I am also a regular at faithful and the password **. The corner that I like the most in the neighborhood is the Olavide Square , with its terraces”.

Another of his fetish neighborhoods to go out for tapas is Retirement . “My sister lives here and we meet very often in the bars of the Narvaez area . my favorite place is Laredo Tavern ”, she concludes.

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