To bad weather, good face: the tricks of those who know


The advice of the best facialists for these days.

We collect the advice of the best facialists for these days.

More than one of us is commenting on it. Days go by and, by dint of seeing our own face in video calls, we are increasingly aware: is our face duller? Without a doubt, the shortage of fresh air, sun (and joy...) may be affecting our complexion. We already know about drinking a lot of water, what else can we do?

Do not panic: We have asked the most prestigious beauty gurus in our country for their expert advice for these days of confinement. . They – with generosity and their particular global conception of beauty – have entrusted us with their methods not only so that our face shines, but also so that our spirits and our whole body are comforted (spoiler: moving, cleaning, some extra care and lots and lots of pampering).

Here are some of their ideas and your favorite products to maintain a luminous face without signs of fatigue.

The advice of the best facialists for these days.

The beauty guru Carmen Navarro.

CARMEN NAVARRO: Why not try some facial yoga?

She needs no introduction: she has spent more than four decades taking care of the skin of her loyal customers (some very well known). She defines herself as a tireless traveler – on her website she explains that She has overcome her fears by traveling around the world, learning to maintain the balance of physical and mental health and the importance of "here and now" – And she has always opted for a holistic and comprehensive concept of beauty and oriental techniques. Carmen has personally trained the more than 50 professionals who work in the 9 centers of it in Madrid, Seville and Valencia.

Her advice: “The best advice is continue with your beauty routines at home and dedicate the time they deserve. Facial cleansing morning and night is essential. Even if we don't put on makeup, even if we think we are not exposed to pollution or external aggression, our skin needs to get rid of toxins, eliminate dead cells and regenerate. At night, the skin repairs itself from the aggressions suffered. It restores and repairs those damages. During the day, it is responsible for protecting us. In both cases it is essential that it is in perfect condition, that it is clean so that the active ingredients that we are going to apply penetrate. We must not forget either that the skin does not stop secreting and eliminating toxins through the pilosebaceous follicle. You can also take advantage of this time of confinement and incorporate some detail to your cleaning routine that makes it even more pleasant”.

“Try doing facial yoga in front of the mirror, for example to combat double chin and define the facial oval. It is one of the areas that most worries us and ages. Try grasping your jaw with an open hand, keeping your thumb and forefinger outstretched. Apply tension as you force your jaw by slightly advancing your chin forward. Do not press too hard to avoid cervical discomfort. And don't forget that postural hygiene is key. An incorrect posture in front of the computer affects the jowls, neck and décolletage in a special way: to avoid this, imagine that a rope supports you and takes you towards the ceiling. And at night, Take the opportunity to use masks with collagen to tighten and caffeine to reduce fat. Their design allows them to act as a patch, achieving the tensor effect we are looking for”.

To implement: “Nor should we forget that exfoliating rejuvenates. It is important to help the skin get rid of dead cells and make it easier for the younger ones to shine with all their energy. There are many ways to perform a homemade exfoliation, both facial and body. A very grateful recipe for the body consists of mixing a handful of coarse iodized salt with a few drops of vegetable oil and two or three of lavender or rosehip essential oil. On damp skin, make circular movements from bottom to top, starting at the ankles and insisting on the roughest areas, especially the knees and elbows. Then rinse with lukewarm water.

“For the face, mix two tablespoons of fine-grained sugar with one of olive oil to form a paste and massage on damp skin, remove with warm water and then use your usual serum or cream. don't forget that Exfoliation also helps remove impurities, cleanse and reduce pore size, fight blemishes and small wrinkles, and combat the effects of environmental pollution. in addition to stimulating microcirculation”.

A fetish product: “The soy ampoules of Carmen Navarro. Soy is rich in vitamins and minerals, a source of essential amino acids, leaves the skin firm, elastic and hydrated, and acts as a powerful anti-wrinkle agent. It is an absolute beauty cure ideal for these days, that achieves a natural impact lifting”.

The advice of the best facialists for these days.

Natalia de la Vega, from Tacha.

NATALIA DE LA VEGA, from Tacha: Move!

Her regulars endorse her: Paula Echevarría, Maribel Verdú and Ana Milan are some of the faithful followers of this beauty hunter, driving force and inspiration for the Tacha centers in Madrid: Ochandiano (with an oriental spirit), Castellana (for urbanites) and Velázquez (boutique type, in the Bless hotel). An inveterate traveller, always on the hunt for the best treatments and cosmetics in the world, her concept is that health, beauty and well-being can coexist in glamorous spaces for those who want to feel good inside and out.

Her advice: "The key is in stay active. Also eat well, exercise, yoga and breathe (helps eliminate toxins). If you have cellulite and poor circulation, try to activate the lymph by walking on your toes for 10 or 15 minutes. Buy yourself a good brush and give yourself a dry massage from bottom to top before getting in the shower, all over your body, for 10 minutes. Combine hot and cold water. Insist on the cold one because it activates circulation and there are studies that show that it favors humor, the mind, and combats stress. Finally, a good body cream."

To implement: “The best thing is to do an exfoliant and a mask on your face 1 or 2 times a week. It is important that you also dedicate some time for yourself. Use any exfoliant, whether chemical or enzymatic. Choose a mask according to your needs and let it act for 10 minutes. If you have a specific one for the eye contour, take advantage and apply it too. Next, clean your skin well and apply your beauty routine. Perform this ritual at night, which is when the skin regenerates."

Your fetish product for these days: "By day, Le Cocoon Sheer by Natura Bissé and by night, Night Sérum by Bárbara Sturm."

Advice from facialists.

Miriam Quevedo.

MIRIAM QUEVEDO: It's time to pamper yourself a lot

Miriam began helping her mother in the family's herbal shop in Barcelona. Over there She began experimenting with different ingredients, creating infusions, teas, and topical solutions to improve skin, hair, and scalp. With the help of her husband, owner of a cosmetics research and development laboratory, she fulfilled her dream of creating her own cosmetic brand. Ella's anti-aging line for hair and skin is formulated in Barcelona with high concentrations of the best ingredients in the world. In addition, she has a hair-spa at the Mandarin Oriental hotel in Barcelona.

Her advice: “Self-pamper ourselves. Invest our time in ourselves, in a space of our own where we can take care of our skin, our hair and, the great forgotten!, our scalp. It's time to light that candle that we have forgotten while we clean our skin. Apply that hair mask and let it act that time that we wouldn't have if we weren't confined. Make us infusions, hydrate ourselves with a good infusion of lemon, ginger or chamomile. Put on that playlist that we haven't heard in a long time. And also some exercise to activate our basal metabolism”.

To implement: Miriam knows that hair, as they said in Fleabag, hair is everything! That's why she advises us to lift our spirits by preparing it with our own fermented rice water. "This is an incredible treatment based on the oriental tradition that I learned during my travels to Asia. First, you have to clean the rice well to remove any residue. It can be organic or whole grain. It is cooked. Once cooked, it is strained. We let it rest for 24 hours so that it ferments in a natural chemical way. With fermentation, the vitamins, minerals and proteins it contains are enhanced. The pH rises, it favors the cuticle to seal and, in addition, it is super rich in selenium."

"How is it applied? We wash the hair. We apply a dose of shampoo and conditioner or a mask if we have damaged or porous hair. Next, we apply the rice lotion from the roots to the ends, insisting on the scalp, the great forgotten, to promote healthy growth. It is important that we also impregnate the fiber. We wrap it in a turban and leave it on display for about an hour. Lastly, rinse with lukewarm water. The hair is super beautiful, with the cuticle closed, very strengthened... the truth is that I love it!".

Your fetish product for these days: “Without a doubt Glacial White Caviar Oxygen Masque. In 10 minutes it's like a flash, leaves the skin smooth, soft, erases the signs of tiredness and exhaustion thanks to that explosion of microbubbles that perform a micromassage at the cellular level and stimulate cellular respiration. It is rich in white caviar oil, encapsulated pure glacier water and refines wrinkles and dry areas, so the skin is instantly fresh and luminous”.

The advice of the best facialists for these days.

Paz Torralba, from The Beauty Concept.

PAZ TORRALBA, director of The Beauty Concept: Let the skin breathe

The TBC centers are a benchmark in the capital and familiar faces parade through them for their 'set-ups'. The first was created in 2005, when the businesswoman Paz Torralba left her position as senior executive to dedicate herself to her passion: helping to improve the health and beauty of other people. She has a laboratory of ideas in which she is committed to innovation, customization and the search for the most effective products.

Her advice: “Definitely establishing a really thorough cleaning and treatment routine, and doing it properly. We never have time and we make excuses for not taking care of the skin as it deserves, now is the time. It is known that what you do for 21 days in a row will always be with you, and it is the best gift we can give ourselves. The most important thing for the skin in these days of confinement is to be able to breathe, complicated since we are locked up and probably subjected to bad hygienic-dietary habits (disorganized schedules, unhealthy meals, more alcohol than recommended, poor hydration...) and concern, which make the skin the first thing to suffer. That's why more than ever We must perfectly oxygenate and purify the skin every day, morning and night. and leave it perfectly prepared to receive the active ingredients”.

To implement: “Choose a good cleansing milk with active ingredients in high concentrations so that from this phase the skin is treated. There is no need to rush this step; if we can do a second cleaning much better, even if we haven't gone out or haven't put on makeup. Avoid mistakes like using soap, as it dries out the skin. Later, always balance with a toner, on the face, neck and décolleté . I recommend a weekly peeling to speed up natural peeling, free pores of impurities, remove dead cells, unify skin tone and clarify. It is a good idea to apply masks for immediate action and cumulative effect (Brighten and unify, erase signs of fatigue, soothe, restore volume, attenuate signs of aging, neutralize the effects of free radicals...). And, finally, stimulate with a good serum every day to hydrate and combat deficiencies and with a nutrient-rich cream that provides a feeling of comfort, regenerates and repairs immune function".

Your fetish product for these days: "A immediate effect illuminating fluid with oxygenating, regenerating and protective agents. It always provides that good face effect”.

The advice of the best facialists for these days.

Diane Montoya.

DIANA MONTOYA: Roller and jade stone all over her face

This renowned facialist, passionate about beauty, she firmly believes in the personalization of treatments and in the importance of internal regeneration of the skin. She uses her own manual techniques, reference equipment and the best cosmetics, always in pursuit of a natural appearance. She began her training in her native Colombia and, once in Spain, she continued perfecting her knowledge of aesthetics. After a few years working in various reference centers in Madrid, she created her own space in 2014.

Her advice: “Massage, massage and massage... and facial yoga or facial gymnastics, with the hands, with jade rollers, with jade stones... Massage, whatever it is, move the muscles. You can choose an area of ​​the face per day, for example on Monday the eye contour, on Tuesday the cheekbones, on Wednesday the forehead, on Thursday the chin and on Friday the neck and décolleté. You will be able to tone, hydrate, drain and oxygenate the tissue . And on the body, she spends 10 minutes massaging the legs, especially the most problematic areas, with specific creams”.

To implement: Diana also advises doing treatment cures per week using peeling and masks. “Beware: peeling only once or twice a week and, the rest of the days, masks or ampoules of active ingredients. You should cleanse the skin and apply a glycolic peeling for 10 or 15 minutes, avoiding the eye contour, nostrils and lips. Rinse with plenty of water and then apply a mask or ampoules with active, toning or moisturizing ingredients, and work with a jade roller or jade stone. The skin regains luminosity, circulation and collagen fibers are activated. Then apply the usual cream. If it's daytime, also sunscreen."

Your fetish product for these days: “There would be three: glycolic acid and retinol in a low concentration, twice a week, and retinoic acid. They are active anti-aging, They provide luminosity, unify the skin tone and allow everything we put on later to have more effect!”

The advice of the best facialists for these days.

Lawrence Nativity.

NATIVIDAD LORENZO: Hydration, hydration, hydration

At the Montecarmelo de Natividad center, aesthetic problems are conceived as a health problem: it is about feeling better and gaining quality of life. The therapist bets on constant and continuous treatments for a greater benefit. She is passionate about direct contact with clients, from which she assures that she gets great learning.

Her advice: "The hands suffer especially these days with constant washing, so we must not forget to take care of them. Do not forget to apply cream every time you wash them because the skin suffers and cracks due to the excessive dryness produced by soap and alcoholic gels. It can even cause injuries, giving rise to an easy entry of viruses or bacteria. Cream is an important measure, however frivolous it may seem. Clean and hydrated skin is healthy skin.

To implement: Nativity suggests a cleansing ritual for the face, neck and décolletage. “Once we have cleaned our hands, we wash our faces first with water and a specific cleansing product for your skin. Remove it with a lot of water, as if you think there are traces of the product left. Since you have time, do it with care and care. Apply toner to balance the pH, serum and cream around the eyes and lips, always with freshly washed hands. After a few minutes, apply the moisturizer, not forgetting neck and décolleté cream if required due to skin type and age. And finally, sun protection. Even if we don't go out, we use mobile phones and computers, which emit blue light, which is also harmful to our skin. Oh, and don't forget to put on makeup. Do not lose the habits you had because that way we prevent laziness and apathy from overcoming us.”

A fetish product for these days: “The best 'fetish' is the combination of peeling once a week, with vitamin C every morning and vitamin E at night. There is no product that by itself gives us everything and we see ourselves with perfect skin. It is always the combination of different rituals with their products adapted to the skin and the time of year or the circumstances of the moment. Now the skin is drier and in an unusual state for the time of year we are in”.

The advice of the best facialists for these days.

We collect the advice of the best facialists for these days.

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