A charming world for mice comes to life in the Swedish city of Malmö


A charming world for mice comes to life in the Swedish city of Malmö

Mice of the world, here you can buy and eat

On December 7, the corner of Bergsgatan and Almbacksgatan streets, in Malmö, It appeared busy with two new establishments: a nut shop, Noix de vie, and an Italian restaurant, Il Topolino. Small, very small, and located at ground level. Perceptible only thanks to that happy habit of ours of always looking at the ground. The first two places for mice in the city were born.

This initiative, behind which **the Anonymouse collective** stands, began to take shape as something vague last March, when its authors thought of building something that would attract the attention of pedestrians and make them smile. Little by little, they turned their attention to the stories of Astrid Lindgren (the creator of Pippi Longstocking) and Walt Disney and Don Bluth movies (Do you remember Fievel and the new world?).

A charming world for mice comes to life in the Swedish city of Malmö

Final touches before staging

“We believe that most children like to imagine that there is a world parallel to ours where small animals live in a similar way to how we do , but using things that we have lost”, they explain to Traveler from Anonymouse. From the response they have had (they already have more than 85,000 followers on Instagram), it seems that many people share this fantasy.

They had no pretense when they launched this idea, they did not seek any public recognition or economic benefit . Just do something nice, but less than 24 hours after installing the facilities, a newspaper published an article on the subject and the impact has transcended borders.

A charming world for mice comes to life in the Swedish city of Malmö

Pizza or pasta?

Noix de Vie and Il Topolino are authentic works of art made from bottle caps, wires, cans, lampshades, stamps... that were painted, glued, welded and worked over months by some authors who, for the moment, prefer to remain anonymous since they consider that what is important are their constructions . In addition, this association of people and mice is very satisfied with its name, Anonymouse, and they are aware that by making their identity known they would have to change it.

They started from the idea of ​​making an ephemeral project: they expected that the inclement weather would spoil their constructions. Now, however, They are already working on the next one (there is still no date for its installation) and, although for the moment they will focus on Malmö, they are open to taking their work and their rodent cities around the world.

A charming world for mice comes to life in the Swedish city of Malmö

The goal was to provoke a smile

A charming world for mice comes to life in the Swedish city of Malmö

The authors are already working on their next installation

A charming world for mice comes to life in the Swedish city of Malmö

A little hole of honor for its referents

A charming world for mice comes to life in the Swedish city of Malmö

Pure gnawing temptation

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