It's never winter here


It's never winter here

It's never winter here

Copacabana has a peak party called Reveillon

Copacabana has an epic party called Reveillon

1 Beaches to celebrate 2016

And, by the way, escape from the cold

New Year's Eve becomes an essential party in these latitudes where the only hat that is allowed is that of Santa Claus and for mere props.

Bathing in the Dead Sea topping the list.

Bathing in the Dead Sea topping the list.

2 Heat less than 5 hours

paradise is just around the corner

In a getaway, you can combine a benevolent climate with thousands of activities.

The Electronic Music Festival racial version of Carnival.

The Electronic Music Festival, a racial version of Carnival.

3 Southern Planes

To live in an eternal (urban) summer

On the other side of the equator, summer has already arrived and, with it, the short sleeves and the crazy desire to hit cities. And dancing and festivals, of course.

A wild coastal road trip through Brazil

Jericoacoará, the unrecognized capital of natural tourism

4 Coastal road trip through Brazil

wild and natural

The coastline of this country exceeds, hold on tight, 7,500 kilometers in length, with thousands of wild places to stop.

Constant summer in the Emirates

At Saadiyat beach it is never winter.

5 Emirates: always summer

For those who hate winter.

Beyond the records and the typical and topical flag extravagance of the eastern shores of the Persian Gulf, there is its fantastic climate.

New Zealand Hot Guide

6 Hot New Zealand

Against the topic of Middle Earth.

A tour of this paradise of beaches, landscapes, and places of enjoyment.

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