Fitur 2013: come and meet us in person


Fitur a long-distance race

Fitur: a long-distance race

We have already told you how to successfully approach a visit to Ifema during the International fair of tourism . Now we tell you to stop by our domains (Hall 3 stand 3A21) to meet us in person and take a break from this traveling odyssey that is Fitur 2013, to get ideas by browsing our new issue, which you can take you home , and enjoy of on the big screen thanks to PHILIPS TV , collaborator of the stand of Conde Nast Traveler.

In it you will feel like in Chiapas, because it has been this wonderful mexican state , destination of the cover of the February issue of the magazine, which has inspired the decoration of our stand, where subscribing to our header has a prize . Enter the draw for a weekend at the Can Simoneta hotel in Mallorca by subscribing to the universe Conde Nast Traveler . That easy. And if you are missing any of our monographs, you are in luck because we will sell some of the issues published to date.

Our pavilion will be like feeling in Chiapas

Our pavilion will be like feeling in Chiapas

If you still have something lost in the Fitur micro world map , after visiting us we recommend that you go through these coordinates :

- Pavilion 4 stand 4C02. Portugal

Our neighbors, knowing that we are in love with Lisbon, will recreate the spirit of the city and its streets at their stand, with a cafeteria, a pastry shop or a restaurant with the best of the Portuguese gastronomy . Also, CN Traveler will have the honor of collecting an award given by the Alentejo tourist office , one of our favorite destinations for 2013 .

This year the Alentejo brings prize

This year the Alentejo brings prize

- Pavilion 8 stand 8C04. Thailand

Asian exoticism and luxury thai . Come to their stand and find out how they spend them in Bangkok and take a short tour of the centennial cities of its geography and its spectacular beaches.

- Pavilion 4 stand 4A04. Scotland

Scotland goes greener than ever. Ecotourism or green tourism It will be the terminology that sounds around here in Ifema , logical if we take into account that 2013 is the year of the natural scotland . so if you are a freak of nature , this is your place. We already told you in our pool for 2013.

- Pavilion 3 stand 3C07. Las Vegas

The city of the game arrives at Fitur with neon lights and new projects, such as the world's tallest Ferris wheel in a new large shopping center, The Linq . And don't forget to take a photo with the sign of 'Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas'.

- Pavilion 9 stand 9C04. Tenerife

Stop by here to open mouth with him carnival 2013 , or simply to schedule a getaway to the beach and escape from the cold . The sun for its stand, as on the island itself, is also omnipresent.

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Philips TV is a collaborating company with the Condé Nast Traveler stand at Fitur 2013:

Fitur 2013

Philips Smart TV

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