What can be done in Madrid in the


Panoramic view of Madrid

What can be done in Madrid in the 'new normality'?

Updated on the day: 07/30/2020. With the end of the state of alarm, Spain has entered the so-called "new normal" , that reality in which we will live until an effective cure or a vaccine is found to deal with the health crisis caused by Covid-19, and which already regulates the Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, of June 9.

Wear a mask, maintain a safety distance of about two meters between people and wash your hands frequently will be the common rules that will mark our day to day wherever we live. However, there will be aspects that will change depending on the Autonomous Community in which we find ourselves.

Madrid launched the "new normal" with two phases, a first until July 5 and the next from the 6th of that same month, that were incorporating flexibility to the measures that regulate the ORDER 668/2020, of June 19. and that it has just been modified to introduce novelties such as, for example, the mandatory use of the mask. This order will remain in force until the Government of Spain considers the health crisis to be over.


“The use of a mask is one of the most effective measures for the prevention and control of disease transmission caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, so it is advisable extend the mandatory nature of its use in public places even when the interpersonal safety distance is respected, to avoid, especially, the spread of the disease by asymptomatic infected people who are not aware of its contagion.

In this way, in the Community of Madrid, the only region of the peninsula in which this measure had not been made mandatory, it is introduced in the Order that governs its new normality.

ORDER 920/2020, of July 28, of the Ministry of Health, which modifies Order 668/2020, of June 19, states that "all people aged six and older are required to wear masks" on public roads, in outdoor spaces and in any closed space for public use or that is open to the public, regardless of whether the safety interpersonal distance can be maintained.

same for airplanes, buses or trains and other complementary public and private passenger transport in vehicles with up to nine seats if the occupants do not live in the same address.

This obligation includes using it properly, understanding therefore that covers from part of the nasal septum to the chin and is not provided with an exhalation valve.

They are excluded from this obligation, as indicated in article 6.2 of Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, of June 9, “People who have some type of illness or respiratory difficulty that may be aggravated by the use of the mask or who, due to their situation of disability or dependency, do not have the autonomy to remove the mask, or present behavioral changes that make its use unfeasible.

Nor will it be mandatory when doing outdoor sports provided that the safety distance can be guaranteed; during the food and beverage consumption; nor in spaces of nature or in the open air outside population centers, if the influx of people allows interpersonal distance to be maintained.

It will not have to be worn in the pools during the bath and as long as you remain in a certain space with a sufficient safety distance. Yes, it will be mandatory, on the other hand, in the accesses, displacements and walks that are carried out in these facilities.

And the same recommendation as in other Autonomous Communities: use “mask in private spaces, both open and closed, when there are meetings or a possible confluence of people who do not live together, even when the safety distance can be guaranteed”.


Until July 5, the capacity inside hotel and restaurant establishments will be 60% , allowing consumption both at the bar and at the table. Maintaining a safety distance of at least 1.5 meters between clients or groups of clients must be ensured. The maximum occupancy will be 10 people per table or groups of tables . The same number of people is allowed on the outdoor terraces, where the maximum capacity will be 80%.

As of July 6 and until the epidemiological evolution advises it, the capacity inside these premises will rise to 75%. The need to guarantee the safety distance remains. At this stage, the outdoor terraces they will be able to have 100% of their capacity.

Of course, they will not be able to close later than 01:30 a.m. and they will not be able to receive clients after 01:00 a.m. In addition, they will have to keep a record with the contact details of customers to be able to locate them if, subsequently, a positive case is confirmed in one of these establishments.

And yes, in addition to prohibiting shared use items such as pipes or hookahs, the changes in the Order have had to include the recommendation of "do not share glasses, cups or 'minis'".

And importantly, self-service is over. Customers will not be able to directly manipulate the products and a worker from the establishment in question will be in charge of serving them, except in the case of previously packaged products.


They can open, yes; but no dance floor, that can be used to install tables; Y with time limitation: until 01:30 a.m. , without being able to admit customers after 01.00.

The consumption within the premises will have to be done at the bar or in groupings of tables , maintaining a safety distance of at least 1.5 meters between clients or groups. These can never be more than 10 people.

Also, discos and dance halls will limit their capacity inside the premises to 40% of the established one. On the terraces they will be able to maintain 100% of their capacity.

Finally, they will have to take a record with customer contact details to be able to locate them if, subsequently, a positive case is confirmed in one of these establishments. And yes, in addition to prohibit sharing items such as pipes or hookahs, changes to the Order have had to include the recommendation of "do not share glasses, cups or 'minis'".


Until July 5, the capacity in its common zones will not be able to overcome 60% of its full capacity. Starting on day 6, that percentage goes up to 75% and always respecting the interpersonal safety distance of 1.5 meters. If this is not possible, alternative physical protection measures will be chosen.

The animation and group classes will have a maximum capacity of 10 people, They will preferably be outdoors, with a safety distance between the participants and avoiding the exchange of material. For the swimming pools, spas or gyms The measures established for this type of facility will be applied and each hotel will be in charge of issuing the guidelines and recommendations for its use.

In the case of hostels and pensions, only full use of the room is allowed, its fractional use is not possible; and refering to hostels and youth shelters, the capacity will be 50%.


The swimming pools managed by the Community of Madrid (M-86 Sports Center, Puerta de Hierro Sports Park, Canal Isabel II and San Vicente de Paúl Sports Facilities) will open their doors from 1st of July with his capacity reduced by half.

Each user must have 3 square meters of surface, both outside the water and inside the glass, to guarantee the safety distance. In fact, to make it easier to maintain this distance in the living areas, a distribution of space will be carried out by means of signs. All personal belongings of each user must remain within the space assigned to them.


"Bathing in rivers, lakes and backwater pools of fresh and untreated water, as well as in other river areas, within the territorial scope of the Community of Madrid" is prohibited. Exceptionally, the competent authority may authorize bathing in its river areas, taking into account the specific epidemiological situation and if it can guarantee that the health conditions are met.


are allowed activities for public use in all protected natural spaces, but the capacity in car parks, rest areas, paths and access points will be controlled.

In principle, the recreational areas of the mountains (picnic areas, fountains, common use facilities) will remain closed, unless the public owner of the recreational areas of the Community of Madrid or the corresponding City Councils guarantee a maximum capacity of 75% and the disinfection of these facilities.

Visitors to these spaces must drive to your right to maintain the interpersonal safety distance.

They can be carry out activities of active tourism and nature, organized by companies authorized as active tourism companies. They will have to guarantee the interpersonal distance of the participants and the use of a mask.

The tourist guides will be able to carry out their activity, but with groups of a maximum of 10 people.

In interpretation centers and similar facilities, the capacity may not exceed 75% of its capacity and the activities may not gather more than 25 people.


At the moment, they are suspended; but ORDER 668/2020, of June 19, conditions its celebration until the health authority authorizes it if the evolution of the epidemiological situation allows it.


can host visits to both the permanent collection and temporary exhibitions and it will also be possible to carry out cultural or educational activities. The requirement established for this is that until July 5 the capacity of 60% is not exceeded for each of its rooms and public spaces. As of July 6, the percentage will become 75%.

The interpersonal distance of 1.5 meters must always be respected both in visits without a guide and in visits in groups, which will be of a maximum of up to 10 people.

The use of exposed elements designed for tactile use will preferably be disabled. Instead, The loan of audio guides is allowed, as long as they are disinfected after each use by the service provider.


They will be able to carry out their activity with pre-assigned seats and a maximum capacity of 60% in the hall for each scheduled activity, show or exhibition. As of July 6, this capacity becomes 75%.

In the case of venues, premises and establishments intended for public shows (including flamenco tablaos), they may carry out their activity until July 5 with the public seated with a pre-assigned seat, without exceeding 60% of the capacity and with a maximum of 80 people in closed places and 800 if they are outdoor activities. As of July 6, the capacity rises to 75%.

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