They have discovered 12 new types of cloud! Do you know which ones they are?


Pearly clouds are formed by tiny ice crystals

Pearly clouds are formed by tiny ice crystals

Said atlas, which supposes a world reference for the observation and identification of clouds through hundreds of photographs, it has not been updated for thirty years, and that began to be done in the XIX century.

Now, thanks to the advancement of technologies, it has been possible to document new types, such as volutus, low, tube-shaped cloudy masses that appear to coil around a horizontal axis. Or the flumen cloud, better known as "beaver tail" and associated with strong intensity storms that generate supercells.

Mammatus clouds formed when a downdraft crushes the cloud against its updraft

Mammatus clouds, formed when a downdraft "crushes" the cloud against its updraft

Likewise, this new nomenclature also allows describing five complementary traits : asperitas (similar to the rough surface of the sea seen from below), cavum (with a hole), cauda (or tail cloud), fluctus and murus (or wall cloud).

In addition, there are also denominations to name formations generated by mutations related to a particular circumstance , such as the cataractagenitus (originated by large waterfalls), the flammagenitus (by the heat of forest fires) and the silvagenitus (by the saturation of the air above the forests) .

The human being is also credited with the "creation" of two types of clouds: the homogenitus and the homomutatus. These categories would include, for example, the condensation trails produced by exhaust gases of aircraft engines, although the Atlas includes a few more. Discover them on their website!

The supercell a spectacular storm that occurs when it hosts a mesocyclone inside

The supercell, a spectacular storm that occurs when it hosts a mesocyclone inside

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