NightSwapping, the startup that offers you another way to travel


NightSwapping another way to travel

NightSwapping, another way of traveling

After the rise of platforms like ** Airbnb ** or ** Wimdu **, which allowed you to rent your house, it seemed necessary to take the next step: the ultimate swap , in which the sole purpose is share a good experience and a stay with people you don't know.

** NightSwapping ** offers us rethink the act of traveling and put aside the old idea that it is necessary to plan our adventure several months in advance without leaving anything to chance. This modern application, which offers its service in more than 160 countries , bets in its presentation video to emphasize our vital and adventurous character in order to know new places, new cultures and new people.

The way of traveling that ensures total local immersion

The way of traveling that ensures total local immersion

Here the important thing is share and implement other types of exchanges that are not cheap; It is not just about bartering nights, a series of cultural or gastronomic exchanges , the pleasure of being able to meet native people or simply have the pleasure of showing the city to people who want to know it. To carry out this exchange system, it is necessary offer our house to other users first . The nights that others spend in our home will be exchanged for balance that we can use for our own enjoyment . If we have not yet hosted anyone and, therefore, we have not accumulated points, we can use this service by paying a maximum of 49 euros per stay in all cases, although the platform favors the free option.

Through a few simple steps (I myself registered with my Facebook account and it didn't take a minute), we will access the platform. If we select the "Travel" option with the cursor, two alternatives will be displayed: the first, and the one they give priority to, is the "Surprise me. I don't really know where to go..." ; the second, "I know my destiny" , is only available to those who have previously served as hosts.

His first proposal is to help us choose a place to travel to depending on a series of purely spatial criteria (if we are willing to go more or less far, or to travel by plane ) . By answering four or five questions (where are we leaving from, when are we going to travel, how many days will we spend and how many guests will we be) the application itself, using a method that favors the best results, will return a series of options that are appropriate to our search. Once we have chosen the house we would like to go to (it is necessary to have the profile activated to be able to do so), We just have to "like" it and wait for its owner, after having seen our profile, to decide to confirm our stay. It is only necessary to pay €9.90 to make the reservation, which also includes comprehensive insurance.

NightSwapping has a blog that it regularly updates, where we can find new ideas and proposals to make our vacation stays more complete and fun. They also offer us to know the experiences of other users and consider new leisure options that we probably had not taken into account. In addition, this platform works hand in hand with other collaborative economy startups such as VizEat (which takes into account our vegetarian and vegan option and the possible mobility within the house), Amovens, Diacamma, BlaBlaCar or Truecalia, to offer us more affordable options and community.

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