These are the Instagram filters that rule in each country


If you were in Germany you would most likely apply the Cream filter

If you were in Germany, you would most likely apply the Cream filter

We have already told you which are the travel hashtags that have been used the most in 2017, the most Instagrammed locations and hotels... in short, ** we have summarized each of the social network trends ** during this year that it ends But now, we offer you something else: hand in hand with web design Canvas , the map arrives in which, at a glance, you will be able to see the most used filters in each country of the world and some other interesting facts...

instagram filters world map

Here, the favorites among the favorites

The methodology used by Canva has taken into account filters and geolocation of over a million pictures of Instagram taken during the last months around the world and published under the hashtags #nature, #fashion, #food Y #selfies.

In this way, it is easily seen that the world preferred filter is Clarendon, followed far behind by June and, in third place, with a few points of difference, for Sierra and Valencia , which tied for this position. But what is the second option preferred by users of the social network? This is where things get more interesting...

instagram filters world map

The seconds in discord

Here, we see that Spain is painted pink, that is, Valencia, while June It is configured as the second preferred worldwide. Followed by the aforementioned Valencia and Gingham.

instagram map filters

In third place, Gingham wins

Finally, the world bronze is taken precisely gingham , while large portions of the world opt for Valencia and Lark.

But there's more, as Canva has also gathered the filters that I like the most have been earned when applied to natural landscapes, photos of food and selfies. They are all interesting clues for future instagramers !

The most popular filters for natural landscapes

The most popular filters for natural landscapes

The most popular filters for photographing food

The most popular filters for photographing food

The most popular filters for taking selfies

The most popular filters for taking selfies

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